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the pilgrims settled Plymouth in 1620

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Q: In history When did the English start colonies on the east coast of the USA?
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When did the English start setting up colonies in north anerica?

The term colonial history of the United States refers to the history of the land from the start of European settlement to the time of independence from Europe, and especially to the history of the thirteen colonies of Britain which declared themselves independent in 1776.----------Some say the start was 1492 when Chris arrived but a better start date for England would be 1586 with Roanoke Colony in what is today North Carolina.

What was the start of government in the English colonies?

act of toleration

What was the start of the representative government in the English Colonies?

act of toleration

Who established the most colonies during the Era of European Exploration?

Spain was very dominant at the start and at one point controlled access to the Pacific. Once the English began to colonize the eastern coast they became dominant.

What was the start representative government in the English colonies?

act of toleration

What year did the colonists start using Africans in the English colonies?

1619 is when the first slaves were brought over.

Failed in his attempt to start an English colony off the coast of North Carolina?

i beileve it was Sir Walter Raleigh

Why did the people move to the English colonies?

They wanted to get out of debt as indentured servants, have more land, and start a new life in America.

Was Portugal the first European nation to start colonies in west Africa?

No. It would have been Italy with Marco Polo.

Who founded a colony to protect the English colonies from attacks?

James Oglethorpe

Did England declaring war on spanish clear the way to start new colonies?

Yes. The English defeat of the Spanish made colonization safer for the English, as the Spanish navy wouldn't be prowling around.

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English, Math, Government, Psychology, Chemistry, Biology, History to start.