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the warrior's widow.

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Q: In the poem by tennyson home they brought her warrior dead who is she?
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What is the rhyme scheme of each four stanzas home they brought her warrior dead?

The rhyme scheme for each stanza in the poem "Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead" by Alfred Lord Tennyson is ABAB. This pattern continues throughout the four stanzas in the poem.

Summary of the poem home they brought her warrior dead?

the poem is about suppressed grief. the body of a dead warrior is brought home to his wife and she has no reaction to this and is in too much of shock to show any emotion. the maidens conclude that if she does not cry, all the bottled up grief will kill her. the first try to make her weep by praising the warrior, calling him a true friend and i noble foe, but this doesn't change her state of shock then a maiden goes over to the dead body and removes the cloth that covers his face, hoping for grief to flow out of the wife, but it doesn't. finally a ninety year old nurse places their child upon her knee, and her tears roll down like a summer tempest (sudden and furiously) and she(warriors wife) says "sweet my child,i live for thee".

What does noble foe means in the poem home they brought her warrior dead?

Back then war was seen as a noble art and a good warrior was expected to behave honourably in battle, to treat his enemy with respect even while killing him. Her warrior is being praised as an honourable soldier - he was a noble foe (enemy) to those he fought. But the central theme is the grief of the widow and her need to embrace her grief so she can have the strength to bring up her child alone.

Why the warrior has been called the noblest foe in the poem home they bought her warrior dead?

In the poem, the warrior is called the noblest foe because they bravely fought in battle, displaying honor, courage, and strength. Despite being a foe in combat, the warrior is respected and admired for their valor and heroism. This contrast between being a foe and being noble emphasizes the complexity of warfare and the humanity of those who engage in it.

In the poem home they brought her warrior dead by Alfred Tennyson what does the poet want to convey through his comparison in the lineLike summer tempest came her tears?

In this poem, Tennyson compares the warrior's widow's tears to a summer tempest to showcase the suddenness and impact of her emotions. In effect, a summer tempest is a short burst of rain (a cloud-burst, almost), which occurs quite unexpectedly. These rains are marked by their force and suddenness. Therefore, by comparing the widow's tears to a summer tempest, the poet is telling us how all her emotions came flooding out at once upon seeing "his child on her lap"

What is the meaning of the title of the poem Home they brought her warrior dead?

means people brought the dead body of the warrior to his mother she was shocked to see her dead face she was not crying and everybody said to her that she must cry or she will die and mother was of ninety years in summers she used to play with him and her tears came out. how will mother suffer when her child is dead...........

Is there an albino vole?

Yes there is my cat brought one home today. Unfortunately it was dead but I took pictures of it.

Why does your cat bring dead grass home?

You cat must have been playing with it outside and brought it in . Maybe he/she likes to make a mess with DEAD grass .

The summary of home they brought her warrior dead?

"The Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead" is a poem by Thomas Hardy that tells the story of a woman receiving her deceased husband's body after he died in battle. The poem explores themes of grief, loss, and the impact of war on families left behind. Hardy reflects on the sorrow and emotional turmoil experienced by those who must mourn the loss of a loved one in times of conflict.

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If your dad found a dead cow on the side of the road and brought it home to eat for dinner would you? What do you think the toad thinks when he see's a dead fly. exactly what you think about the dead cow.

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No PM brought home confederation. However Trudeau brought the Constitution home to Canada.

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He is brought home to Ithaca by a race of people called the Phaeacians