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Q: In what century did the Greek city state of Athens flourish and develop its style of government?
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What year did Athens develop the world's first democracy?

Athens developed the first democracy around the fifth century B.C.

What kind of government did Athens have at the end of the 16th century?

a very strong and good government

What type of government did Greece have in the 8th century?

In the 8th century, Ancient Greece was a democratic government. This type of government began in the city of Ancient Athens.

Who were the first Greek to develop democratic government?

ANCIENT ATHENS is the Greek City-State credited with creating the world's first democracy.

What helped pottery flourish in Athens?

Athenians developed a new, much faster potter's wheel

How did the century before 400 BC reflect the golden age for Athens?

The Government was betterThe Army InprovedThe Prothenon Inporved

What is the government is Athens?

Athens had a democracy

How did democracy come about in Athens and when did this occur?

Hi mommy i love you <3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which of the following helped pottery flourish in Athens?

Athenians developed a new, much faster potter's wheel

Why did Athens become democracy?

It is not clear why democracy started in Athens. Some attribute the start of democratic leadership to Solon in the 6th century stating that he wanted to give his people more power and voice in the government.

What is a difference between US government and Athens government?

The U.S's government is a representive democracy and Athens was a direct democracy

What kind of government did Athens have in the Golden Age?

hi so what is the government of the golden age of athens