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Q: In which metal is the outer electron held most strongly to the nucleus?
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Why are alkali metals extremely reactive?

There is only one electron in the outer most electron shell. With the lighter (less massive) alkali metals, there are less electron shells, between the outer most electron and the nucleus. Since the nucleus is positive(Protons) it more strongly holds the outer most electron. However, when going down the Alkali (Group 1) metals there are more electron shells, so the outer most electron is further away from the nucleus, and thereby less strongly held. This is evidenced by Lithium (The least massive) which only slowly effervesces in water. At the bottom of the group Francium ( The most massive) is explosive in water. NB Francium is not used in the open laboratory because it is also radio-active.

Why a lithium atom holds its outer electrons more strongly?

Neither of these metals hold onto their outer electron (singular, as they are alkali metals) very strongly. Relatively speaking though, lithium holds onto its outer-most electron more strongly than Sodium does.

Why florin is most electronegative?

It has a relatively high positive charge on its nucleus, a small atomic radius, only one electron shell between its nucleus and its outer electron shell, and is one electron short of a full outer shell.

How many outer shells are around the nucleus of darmstadtium?

Darmstadtium has seven electron shells around the nucleus.

Why would an increase in atomic radius make it easier to lose an outer electron?

It's because as atomic radius increases, so do the number of electron shells. The full electron shells closer to the nucleus act like a barrier or shield that reduces the pulling force exerted by the Nucleus on the outer electron. Since the nucleus's pulling force is reduced, an electron on the outer shell can escape much more easily.

The outer electron configuration of an alkali metal has?

1 electron in the s orbital

What is radii in chemistry?

The distance from the center of the nucleus to the outer "edge" of the electron cloud.

What is the group that has one electron in its outer level?

alkali metal

What has greater pull by nucleus electron in outer shell of neon or sodium?

Neon. The closer electrons are to the nucleus, the greater the pull the nucleus has on the electrons.

When an alkali metal reacted with a non metal what happens to the loan outer shell electron?

The electron outside the shell donate its electron to the one inside the shell

Why metal has lower ionisation energy?

Because the force of attraction between the nucleus and the outer most electron is less. In addition, most metals (but not all) will gain the stable electronic configuration of the nearest noble gas if they lose electron.

Is it easier to remove an electron from the outer energy level than one closer to the nucleus?
