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Q: In which state of matter would particles show the least amount of motion?
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Which situation of water portrays particles with the least amount of motion?

Extremely cold ice.

In which state of matter do the particles have the least amount of movement?

Gases have the weakest force of attraction between particles because they are in constant motion.

What motion do solid particals have?

Particles of a solid have the least amount of energy and are locked into place, although they are still vibrating with what little energy they have.

Which state of matter has the least molecular motion?

The solid state has the least molecular motion.

Molecule of a substance are in a motion?

Molecules of a substance are in constant motion. Whether you have a solid, liquid, or gas, the particles are moving (but the speed and amount they move differs). Particles of a solid move the least (they basically vibrate), particles of a liquid can flow around one another, and particles of a gas have a lot of space between them because they move in random, constant motions.

When are molecules of a substance in motion?

Molecules of a substance are in constant motion. Whether you have a solid, liquid, or gas, the particles are moving (but the speed and amount they move differs). Particles of a solid move the least (they basically vibrate), particles of a liquid can flow around one another, and particles of a gas have a lot of space between them because they move in random, constant motions.

Which of the three phases of matter has partiCles sEparated by the least amount of distance?

Usually the solid phase, but some substances, importantly water, are exceptions because the liquid near the freezing point has shorter inter-particle distances than the solid near the freezing point.

Which phase of matter do particles have the most energy and the least energy?

Particles of matter have their least kinetic energy in the solid phase and their greatest kinetic energy in the gas phase.

What state of matter do the particles move slowest?

In solid form, atoms have the least amount of movement (although they still move slightly).

Which state of matter contains the least energetic particles?

The one with the least heat, therefore, solids.

Which organizes the phases of matter from the least particle motion to the greatest particle motion?

solid, liquid, gas, plasma

In what state of matter atoms move the slowest?

Solid, as they have the least amount of energy. Solid, as they have the least amount of energy. Solid, as they have the least amount of energy. Solid, as they have the least amount of energy.