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Q: In winter many dogs grow a thick coat of fur This is an example of?
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What causes dogs to grow a winter coat?

Dogs grow thicker winter coats to keep warmer in winter. The signal for dogs to grow their winter coats is the length of daylight each day; as it declines, the dog's body reacts by growing a thicker coat.

What cause dogs to shed excessively?

They are shedding their winter coat

What does dogs thick fur coats means?

Thick fur coats in dogs usually means they were developed in a cold climate, where a thick coat would be essential to keeping warm.

Is it bad for a dogs hair to fell?

no there just shedding there winter coat

Do dogs need coats blankets etc?

Some dog breeds,if they dont have a thick coat,yes of course! Some dog breeds,if they dont have a thick coat,yes of course!

What time in the year do dogs mostly shed fur?

Some shed all year long but spring is the worst time because they shed their winter coat. They also shed vigorously in the Autumn to prepare for their winter coat. In the spring they shed their thicker winter coat to put on a thinner summer coat. In the fall the process is reversed, they get rid of their summer coat to put on a warmer winter coat.

What is the frequency of shedding?

Dogs do most of their shedding twice per year. As weather warms up they shed their winter coats in order to have a more comfortable lighter coat. When the weather begins to cool again, they shed their summer coat and get their winter coat.

Do dogs and cats have thick fur?

It really depends on the type of cat or dog. But most big dogs have thick fur, especially Newfoundlands, whereas Jack Russel's have a very thin coat. Cats have a mix between thick and thin cots too.

Which breed-of-dogs are snow-dogs?

Hey... Usually snow dogs are huskies! They have a very thick coat that allows them to stay warm and the pads on the bottom of their feet are adapted to the cold snow!

Why do horses lose their coat?

They shed their coats in the summer like dogs, then grow a thick coat during the winter. It's evolution I guess, I mean they need a nice coat to stay warm in the winter.They lose it because they would get too hot in the summer with it.If you mean they have bald spots then they might have some infection, and a vet should be called to check it out.

How do dogs get their coat a color?

dogs have a nerve in there body that gives them the color of there coat and there coat.

Your neighbor keeps their dog outside overnight in the winter time its a big dog but should you do something about it For example is it illegal?

It depends on what type of dog it is and what type of coat it has. Some large dogs are not made for the elements of winter; Say the Great done. It is a shorthaired dog with no undercoat. Then there is the Saint Bernard, it has a thick undercoat and is bread for the cold winters of the Swiss Alps. So the type of dog has a lot to do with the answer to this question. Of course it is not illegal to keep your dog outside overnight in the winter time. Maybe it's cold but that's what fur is for. We keep our dogs in the barn in the winter and they do just fine. Not to mention having a dog inside is a big hassle.