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chromosome or chromotin, that contains genes. the chromosome takes shape of the chromotin. these are also known as "instructions."

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Q: Instructions from DNA are translated into proteins by organelles called what?
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Instructions from DNA are translated into proteins by organelles called?

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What is a organelles that make proteins?

The cell organelle that makes proteins is called the ribosomes .

What are Eukaryotic cell organelles that synthesize proteins and process proteins called?


What does Tiny organelles that build proteins called?

They are ribosomes.

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What do the organelles called ribosomes do for the cell?

Ribosomes make proteins for the cell.

Organelles that make proteins are called?

Ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum.

What organelles are highly concentrated and produces a lot of proteins?

Ribosomes are organelles that are highly concentrated in cells and are responsible for protein synthesis. They are found in both the cytoplasm and on the endoplasmic reticulum, where they are involved in translating genetic information from the nucleus into proteins.

What organelles that making proteins called?

free ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum (which has ribosomes on it) take mRNA and translate it into proteins.

What are the organelles that make proteins called?

free ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum (which has ribosomes on it) take mRNA and translate it into proteins.

The organelles that build proteins for cells are called?

The organelles that build proteins are called ribosomes. These ribosomes build proteins during transcription where mRNA and tRNA are complementary strands of each other that code for amino acids. These amino acids bind together and are eventually released from the ribosome as a polypeptide or protein.

What is the process that takes place when proteins are made from the instructions of RNA?

Translation, it takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell over several different organelles (cell organs) It involves RNA (m,t,r),and its called Transcription.