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Q: Intestinal cells absorb glucose via active transport so would the glucose absorption decrease if all the mitochondria within these intestinal cells were destroyed?
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Why do some normal cells have different lengths of cell cycles. give two examples?

For different functions. For example, intestinal cells have short cell cycles because they constantly have to multiply to replace dead or destroyed intestinal cells. Neurons have long cell cycles, because they don't have to multiply and have to last the life of the person.

What will happen if all of your cells mitochondria were destroyed?

You for it will die

What happen to a eukaryotic cell if all it's mitochondria were destroyed?

It would cease to exist. The mitochondria are the power plants.

What would happen if a mitochondria was destroyed?

They frequently are. If the attack succeeds often enough, you will get sick and/or die.

What would happen to a cell if all of it mitochondria was destroyed?

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What would happen to a eukaryotic cell if all its mitochondria we destroyed?

If a cell's mitochondria were destroyed it would die. Mitochondria are the power houses of the cell and without energy, necessary reactions could not take place .If a mitochondria stopped working the cell would not have its respiratory function such as to use carbon dioxide,water, and energy in which the cell needs to survive so the cell would eventually stop moving and slowly die out with no nutrience and energy.

A eukaryotic cell that lacks mitochondria would be unable to carry out which essential function?

The Mitochondria are used to make ATP, or energy. Well, if the Mitochondria were to be destroyed, i would say that the cell will soon stop storing energy and probably die.Cellular respiration

What would happen to a eukaryotic cell if it's mitochondria was destroyed?

It will not get energy. Functions of cells would be stopped

What would happen to a cell if all of its michrodonda was destroyed?

If all the mitochondria of a cell were somehow destroyed the cell would most likely die from lack of energy/fuel to carry out its activities.

Is curd useful in treating diarrhea?

curd is a nutritious food. it also aids in digestion. lactobacillus bacteria inhibit the growth the growth of illness causing bacteria inside the intestinal tract and promote beneficial bacteria needed for digestion .these friendly bacteria help in absorption of minerals and aid in the synthesis of vitamins of b group. regards, neeladri

What happens f the mitochondria is destroyed?

So cell energy requirement will not be filled. Cell will stop functioning.

Can Spell Absorption activate its effect even though a spell is destroyed by a card effect?

Hope this helps: Yes... Spell Absorption can activate but if its like Solemn Judgement your not allowed (Negate the activation). But if its like Mystical Space Typhoon something like that... It would ordinarily work... There's something called "Priority", (It's not a card). It allows you to activate a Spell or Trap before its destroyed... Remember: Anything that says "NEGATE" no, your not allowed! Anything that says nothing about negating... its not destroyed... Hope that Helped! :)