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Q: Ionic compounds tend to be what at room temperature?
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Does the substance being hit in the photo below contain ionic or metallic bonds.Explain your answer?

Ionic because ionic compounds tend to be brittle solids at room temperature and usually break apart when hit with a hammer.

Which compounds tend to be liquids or gases at room temperature due to their Specific Heat?

Covalent compounds and water.

What temperature do ionic compounds boil?

Ionic compounds tend to have very high boiling points. For example, table salt, sodium chloride (NaCl), has a boiling point of 1413 oC.

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Are organic compounds formed with ionic bonds?

Organic compounds tend NOT to be ionic - there are exceptions. Organic Chemistry is defined as the Chemistry of Compounds of Carbon. Ionic forces tend to intercede when we add Oxygen.

Why do covalent compounds have lower melting points then ionic compounds?

Covalent compounds tend to be negatively charged than an ionic compound.

What families tend to form ionic compounds?

i dunno my dumb teacher wants me to find out she should ask a dam scientist!

What do non metals and metals tend to do?

Metals and nonmetals tend to form ionic compounds by forming ionic bonds when they combine.

Are ionic bonds solids liquids or gases at room temperature?

All ionic compounds are solid at room temperature because ionic bonds are very strong and it takes a lot of heat energy to break them to turn them into a liquid or a solid. 400-1400 degrees can be used to break the bonds.

Compared With the Melting Point Of Ionic Compounds The Melting Points Of Molecular Solids Tend To Be?

Ionic compounds have a higher melting point.

Compared with the melting points of ionic compounds the melting points of molecular solids tend to be .?

Ionic compounds have a higher melting point.

How compared with the melting points of ionic compounds the melting points of molecular solids tend to be?

Ionic compounds have a higher melting point.