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It is possible for ferrets to be infected for years with ADV before any clinical signs are observed.

Aleutian disease virus is a highly contagious parvovirus that can easily spread through feces, urine, saliva and other body fluids eventually causing death in ferrets, but it also lie dormant in dried urine or on an owner's clothes and shoes for up to two years. Humans can spread ADV through casual contact with multiple ferrets from from ferret shows and shelters. ADV positive ferrets should be isolated as suspected carriers of the disease and should not be taken to places where they may come in contact with other ferrets. They also should not be allowed to run on floors or other areas where uninfected ferrets or their owners may come in contact with residual traces of the virus from the infected animals.

Ferrets may contract the virus but never develop clinical signs of ADV. An ADV positive ferret, that appears clinically normal, has the potential to shed the virus at anytime.There is no accurate way of determining if or when a ferret that has been exposed to ADV will develop disease. No prediction can be made as to the severity or type of clinical signs that may be manifested. It is important to note that historically the majority of ferrets that have been exposed to ADV never developed obvious clinical signs of the disease. Some ferrets may be carriers of the virus for years before developing clinical signs. Some ferrets may even revert to a "negative" ADV status based on blood testing after a period of time. 10 It is wrong to make the assumption that a clinically normal ferret that is positive on testing for ADV will automatically die from this disease at some time. Source:

The Aleutian disease virus lays dormant in ferrets until stress or injury allows it to surface. While the parvovirus itself causes little or no harm to the ferret host, the large number of antibodies produced in response to the presence of the virus results in a systemic vasculitis, resulting in eventual renal failure, bone marrow suppression and death. The symptoms are chronic, progressive weight loss, lethargy, hepatomegaly and/or enlarged spleen, anemia, rear leg weakness, seizures and black tarry stool. Once symptoms show themselves, the disease progresses rapidly, usually to death within a few months.

Source: wikipedia

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Q: Is Aleutian disease virus in ferrets contagious to others and will they eventually die?
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Has Aleutian disease been confirmed in ferrets in Australia?

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How do ferrets get Aleutian disease virus?

Aleutian Disease (also ADV, for Aleutian Disease Virus) is a highly contagious parvovirus affecting mustelids, causing spontaneous abortion and death in minks and ferrets.Aleutian disease virus is highly contagious. It is transferred through a ferret's bodily fluids, and it can be lie dormant in dried urine or on an owner's clothes and shoes for up to two years. Known cases of ADV positive ferrets should not be taken to places where they may come in contact with other ferrets. They also should not be allowed to run on floors or other areas where uninfected ferrets or their owners may come in contact with residual traces of the virus from the infected animals.The Aleutian disease virus lays dormant in ferrets until stress or injury allows it to surface. While the parvovirus itself causes little or no harm to the ferret host, the large number of antibodies produced in response to the presence of the virus results in a systemic vasculitis, resulting in eventual renal failure, bone marrow suppression and death. The symptoms are chronic, progressive weight loss, lethargy, hepatomegaly and/or enlarged spleen, anemia, rear leg weakness, seizures and black tarry stool. Once symptoms show themselves, the disease progresses rapidly, usually to death within a few months.Source:

Why is melatonin given to ferrets?

Melatonin can be used in the treatment of adrenal disease in ferrets.

Can mice transfer diseases to ferrets?

Yes, they could, ferrets are very susceptible to illness and disease.

Do ferrets have a lockjaw?

No ferrets do not have lockjaw. Lockjaw refers to tetanus, an infectious disease of the central nervous system

What disease can kill ferrets?

Canine distemper is 100% fatal, but can be avoided with a vaccination. Any untreated illness can kill ferrets.

Are ferrets prone to cryptococcosis?

Ferrets are quite susceptible to Cryptococcus gattii, which is a genus of fungus. These fungi grow in culture as yeasts. Cryptococcosis, or cryptococcal disease, is a potentially fatal fungal disease.

Can a ferret live without yearly veterinarian visits?

Ferrets do need vaccinations against rabies and canine distemper (which is airborne, possibly transmitted from your shoes or clothing, a ferret does not survive this disease) Most ferrets in the US are from Marshall Farms and are prone to disease and illnesses due to early neutering and genetics. It's important to know the signs of illness in disease in ferrets, which you may not detect, but a veterinarian can. Ferrets are know to hide their pain and illnesses.

Why would an albino ferret not do as much as regular ferrets?

Albino ferrets are the same as any other ferret. If your ferret is not as active as other ferrets, it may be an indication of illness or disease, and needs a checkup with the veterinarian.

What is a ferrets life cycle?

Ferrets can live from 6-8 years. Although with good care they can live up to 10 years. They do have alot of health problems though, such as cancer and adrenal disease. Most ferrets die from those illnesses.

What is dangerous to ferrets?

There are numerous dangers to ferrets, You have to ferret proof their environment, ferrets need to be handle by a responsible person (no small kids), ferrets need a special diet, they are carnivores (meat eaters) and cannot digest fruits or vegetables. Ferrets can be prone to illness and disease if not taken care of properly. They could be perceived as prey by some dog breeds.

Why are ferrets not allowed in some countries?

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