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E-commerce was invented by Benjamin Franklin in 1744, but they called it Mail Order back then. The only difference between Franklin's catalog (which sold books) and Amazon is Amazon is done by computers and Franklin used mailed letters.

I remember when e-commerce first got big. All I heard was, "this is going to kill stores. No one will go to stores. No one will go to the mall. They'll just sit at home and order stuff." Wrong. Shopping is a social activity; there is a massive difference between sitting at home clicking around and going to the mall with your friends to have a cappucino, get your nails done and look at cute clothes. Or, in the case of guys, to go to the tool department at Sears and the humidor at the cigar store.

Amazon and the other e-merchants have a place. It's good for comparing a LOT of items in a really short time. You can get stuff online that's unavailable in the local area. But the "future" of retailing? No.

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