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Arabic is widely used around all parts of the Middle East. It is like a necessity the same way English is needed in America. Though each regions may vary with different kinds of local languages. For example Iranians in Iran often speak Persian rather than Arabic or English. But the majority of the middle eastern countries mostly speak Arabic.


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Q: Is Arabic spoken in all the middle east?
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What are three languages spoken in the Middle East?

Arabic, Persian (Farsi), and Turkish are three languages commonly spoken in the Middle East.

Chief language in the Middle East?

Arabic is the most widely spoken language in the Middle East. It is the official language in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Lebanon, and is also commonly used in business and media across the region.

What country does the language Arabic come from?

The Arabic language originated in the Arabian Peninsula, which is now modern-day Saudi Arabia. It has since spread to different regions of the Middle East and North Africa, where it is spoken by millions of people as their first language.

What language do most of the people in the region speak Arabic Farsi Hebrew Kurdish?

Most people in the region speak Arabic, especially in countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Iraq. Farsi (Persian) is predominantly spoken in Iran, while Hebrew is the main language in Israel. Kurdish is spoken by the Kurdish population primarily in parts of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria.

What was the Hebrew language spoken by all men?

No, there was never a time when Hebrew was spoken by all people. It was pretty much limited to the area of the Middle East.

Where is the Arabic Desert?

The Arabian Desert covers nearly all of the Arabian Peninsula in the Middle east.

Who speaks Arabic?

Many people in the Middle East and North Africa speak Arabic as their native language. Arabic is also widely spoken in other regions, such as parts of Africa and Asia, due to historical and religious reasons.

Is Arabic a modern language?

There are many forms of Arabic spoken in the Middle East, but Arabic as a written language does not vary at all from society to society: written Arabic is referred to as Classical Arabic and is not commonly spoken. In fact there is no written language for Arabic dialects, as they are only spoken and grammatically incorrect, these dialects are part of the Modern Standard Arabic languages. Classical Arabic has been a literary language and the liturgical language of Islam since its inception in the 7th century, and is no longer evolving or progressing in terms of invention of words, terminology or variation of grammar. The only reason Classical Arabic is not a dead language is because there is no proper way of writing the different Arabic dialects and because The Koran is written in Classical Arabic. So to answer your question: No, Arabic is not a modern language.

What was the Arabic?

Arabic is the common language for Muslims all around the world. It was the official language of their Prophet Muhammad. Many other people speak it to all in the Middle East and Northern Africa.

What country speaks the most languages in the Middle East?

Lebanon, they speak English, French,and Arabic then a weird combination of all of them.

Is Quranic language different from the Arabic which africans and Asian Arabs speaks if yes then how to learn Quranic Arabic?

If by "africans and Asian Arabs" you mean, Arabians, in North Africa and the Arabian peninsula, then no.The Quran is in the language of Arabic, the same Arabic that is spoken all across the middle-east as the standard language. Countries and tribes do however, maintain their own accents and sayings, from region to region.This is noticable to an extreme in North Africa.

Where can you see a map of the Middle East?

See the links. All bookshops in the airports of Saudi Arabia sell maps of the Kingdom.