

Best Answer

All Bankruptcy is done in a federal court.

Federal court districts in different areas may have some preferences on fairly minor things...basically preferring to use definitions of things that fit the area they generally service...(like if something, say a mobile home, is real or personal property, things that make the case easier to handle in community property states, etc), but the basic laws and rules are the same anyplace.

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Q: Is Florida or Indiana better to file bankruptcy in?
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Where can one file for bankruptcy in Florida?

Bankruptcy can be filed at the Bankruptcy court for the area you are in. For instance in Northern Florida, it's the Florida Northern District Bankruptcy Court.

Which is better to file bankruptcy or voluntary repossession?

file bankruptcy that bay you wont loose your stuff

How long do you have to wait to file bankruptcy again in Indiana?

Assuming it is federal bankruptcy, 8 years, the same in every state.

You owe your sister money can you file bankruptcy on that loan?

If you file bankruptcy, you file bankruptcy on everything. You can not file bankruptcy on one loan.

You got married in Indiana and you have moved to Florida lived here for 9 months how can you file for a divorce?

Florida has jurisdiction.

If bk was discharged in ill can you file for bk in Indiana?

No...until the time to file has passed. You didn't file in a should have noticed it was a FEDERAL court that handles bankruptcy.....state is irrelveant

If I file for bankruptcy can I still refinance my mortgage?

You would probably be better off refinancing your mortgage first and then applying for bankruptcy later on. My mom had to file for bankruptcy due to credit card debt she could not pay.

Did Deltona Corporation file bankruptcy?

No they never did file for bankruptcy

How many year after you file bankruptcy can you file bankruptcy aging?

If you are talking about a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, It takes 7 to 9 years after you can file bankruptcy again.

Did ballenger construction harlingen Texas file for bankruptcy?

No, they did not file for bankruptcy.

Why did General Motors ford and Chrysler file for bankruptcy?

They did not file for bankruptcy.

You live in Florida can you file bankruptcy on your debts with out it affecting your husband?

You can file bankruptcy individually instead of jointly but if your husbands name is on some of the accounts it may effect him. You would need to speak to an attorney and explain your situation in detail to get the right answer.