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nope it a state

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5d ago

Hawaii is not a province of the United States. It is the 50th state of the United States, having joined the union on August 21, 1959.

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Q: Is Hawaii a province of the US?
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Which us states don't participate in daylight savings?

Arizona, Indiana, Hawaii, parts of Puerto Rico, and American Samoa

What province is the US?

The US is not a province. It is a country.

Is a province a geographic division of Canada?

As states are to the US, so are provinces to Canada: They are political divisions. The only state in the US that would be truly a geographic division would be the State of Hawaii, and the only true geographic division in Canada would be the Province of Prince Edward Island.

What is the relationship between US and Hawaii?

Hawaii is a state in the US

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Hawaii is the 50th US State.

Who did Hawaii belong to prior to the US?

It was an Independent Kingdom, The Republic of Hawaii and the Territory of Hawaii before it became a US State.

What is the distance between US to Hawaii?

Hawaii is in the US. If you mean distance between the CONTIGUOUS US and Hawaii, the answer would be approximately 2500 miles

Is Hawaii in a county in the US?

The Island of Hawaii in the State of Hawaii is also Hawaii County.

What is the capital of Hawaii country?

Hawaii is located in the US. The capital of Hawaii is Honolulu, but the capital of the US is Washington DC.

What region in the US is Hawaii part of?

Hawaii is part of the noncontigious region of the US

When was Hawaii a state of the us?

Hawaii became a US State (#50) in 1959.

What is the most southern city in the US including Hawaii?

Naaelehu, Hawaii is the southernmost town in the US. Honolulu, Hawaii is the southernmost incorporated city in the US.