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Not only is hydrogen peroxide solution a liquid, the pure, undiluted form of H2O2 is a liquid. Most people will never see pure H2O2 as it is extremely dangerous; even the rocketry industry, where H2O2 is used as rocket fuel, uses dilute solutions of it.

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8y ago

Yes it is a liquid. We store them in dark bottles.

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What colour is hydrogen peroxide solution?

Hydrogen Peroxide itself is as colorless as water. Hydrogen peroxide solution is a bit ambiguous, and could vary with what you mean by "solution".

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What is a colorless liquid used as a antiseptic bleaching agent and laboratory reagent?

Hydrogen peroxide solution.

What is the chemical formula for H2o2?

It stands for Hydrogen peroxide.A liquid in room temperature.

What is hydrogen peroxide solution?

an aqueous form of hydrogen peroxide H2O2 (aq)

Is that hydrogen peroxide solution use in Clorox?

Clorox hasn't hydrogen peroxide in the composition.

Is Hydrogen peroxide an alkaline solution if not why?

it is.

Does hydrogen peroxide dissolve plastic?

What kind of plastic? Hydrogen peroxide solution comes in plastic bottles.

What is the solvent and solute of hydrogen peroxide?

The material most commonly called "hydrogen peroxide", especially by non-chemists, is a solution of the solute hydrogen peroxide in water as the solvent.

When do women use hydrogen peroxide?

Some women use a hydrogen peroxide solution to treat yeast infections. The hydrogen peroxide solution is an effective and natural home remedy. It is not recommended for use during menstruation or pregnancy.

What happened when you mix a solution of hydrogen peroxide and saturated potassium iodide with washing up liquid?

H2o2+2h > 2h2o +i2

What is the formula when liquid hydrogen peroxide decomposes to liquid water and oxygen gas?

hydrogen peroxide is H2O2 break down occurs 2H2O2 - 2H2O + O2