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yes but the Muslim religion is also branched down into several types of Islamic aspects, the most common being sunni and second most common being shia.

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Q: Is Iraq a Muslim country
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How many gods does Iraq worship?

Iraq is predominantly a Muslim country, so the majority of its population worships Allah, the God of Islam. However, there are also minority groups in Iraq that follow different religions such as Christianity, Yazidism, and Mandaeism, each with their own deities and beliefs.

What is the religious make up of Iraq?

Iraq is a predominantly Muslim country, following the religious practices of Islam.

What is Muslim the main religion of what country?

Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, those are a few.

Names of Muslim country from Pakistan to turkey?

Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Sysria, and Turkey

What are the relation between Pakistan and Iraq?

relation b/w pakistan and iraq is that they both country are muslim country and every member of each country are brother to each other we are one nation and worship only on ALLAH thats the relation of pakistan and iraq

What is the domianant religoins in Iraq?

97% of Iraq is Muslim.

What are the major ethnic groups of Iraq?

they are shia Muslim (majority) and sunna Muslim. ...and the Kurdish people live in the north of Iraq. Also Muslim, but not yo mama.

Which Muslim countries do the Sunnis live in?

In all Muslim countries. percentage of shia and sunni differ in each Muslim country. for example Saudi Arabia and Egypt are mainly Sunni and Iran and Iraq are mainly Shia.

Are Muslim Arabs the second largest group of people in Iraq?

No. Muslim Arabs are the largest group in Iraq, making up around 85-90% of Iraq's population.

Do they have Christmas trees in Iraq?

For the most part, no. Iraq is predominately Muslim.

What gifts do Iraq people give for Christmas?

Iraq is mainly Muslim. They do not celebrate Christmas.