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An orbital resonance between two celestial bodies happens when two bodies exert a regular gravitational influence on one another. Some scenarios say that a past resonance between Jupiter and Saturn may have cause Uranus and Neptune to switch places.

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1w ago

Yes, Jupiter is in a 2:1 orbital resonance with the planet Saturn. This means that for every two orbits Jupiter completes around the Sun, Saturn completes one orbit. This resonance helps stabilize the orbits of these two massive planets over long periods of time.

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15y ago

It is in resonance with the sun. It revolves on its axis once a (Mercury) year. The moon is in orbital resonance with the earth. That is why we see only one face of the moon.

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Not so far as we know.

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Q: Is Jupiter in an orbital resonance with another body?
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What is orbital energy of an orbiting object?

Orbital energy is the total energy of an object in orbit, which is the sum of its kinetic energy (due to its motion) and its gravitational potential energy (due to its position in the gravitational field of another body). This energy determines the object's orbit shape and stability.

What is resonance relating to nmri?

In the context of nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI), resonance refers to the absorption of radiofrequency energy by atomic nuclei in a magnetic field. When the applied radiofrequency matches the resonant frequency of the atomic nuclei, it causes them to resonate and emit signals that can be detected and used to create images of the internal structures of the body.

What happen when frequency of a vibrating body becomes equal to its natural frequency?

When the frequency of a vibrating body becomes equal to its natural frequency, resonance occurs. This causes the amplitude of the vibrations to increase significantly, as the driving frequency reinforces the natural vibration frequency of the body. This can lead to excessive strain and potential damage to the vibrating body if not controlled.

Is escape velocity bigger than orbital velocity?

Yes, escape velocity is greater than orbital velocity. Escape velocity is the minimum speed required for an object to break free from the gravitational pull of a celestial body and move into space. Orbital velocity is the speed required for an object to maintain a stable orbit around a celestial body.

What is the equation of orbital velocity?

The equation for orbital velocity is (v = \sqrt{\frac{GM}{r}}), where (v) is the orbital velocity, (G) is the gravitational constant, (M) is the mass of the central body, and (r) is the distance from the center of mass.

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Is neptune in an orbital resonance with another body?

Yes with pluto

Is Venus in a orbit with another solar body?

No. But given time - a long time - it is likely that Venus will have a 1:1 orbital resonance with the Sun.

Mercury is orbital with another body?

yes,murcury is orbits the sun

How long are months of Jupiter?

A month is defined by an orbiting body. Jupiter has many different months. I have added a related link to a chart of each moon and the length of its month listed under Orbital Period.

Is Jupiter in an orbit with another body?

Not so far as we know.

Are Jupiters rings visible in space?

The eccentricity is 0.04839266 which means that the difference between its closest distance to the Sun and its farthest distance is a bit less than 5% of the total average distance (this is much more than Earth's 0.0167 eccentricity).Jupiter's orbit ranges from about 740.6 to 816.5 million kilometers.

How long is Jupiter days than earth?

There is a 14.07504 hour difference in the day between the two planets. A day on Jupiter lasts 9.92496 hours as it is the fastest rotating body in your Solar System while an Earth day of course is 24 hours.

What is the process of using radio waves and magnetism to produce images of tissues in the human body?

This process is called magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of tissues inside the body. The hydrogen atoms in our bodies align with the magnetic field, and when radio waves are sent through the body, these atoms emit signals that are used to create the images.

Is Jupiter the biggest body in the solar system?

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, but the Sun is the biggest body.

What is a MRI scan?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI), or magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) is amedical imaging technique used in radiology to visualize internal structures of the body in detail. MRI makes use of the property of nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) to image nuclei of atoms inside the body. MRI can create more detailed images of the human body than are possible with X-rays.

How is human body resonance calculated?

The human body does not have a single resonance. A complex organism is composed of thousands of substances in thousands of different configurations each with their own resonances. These all collectively dampen each other.

What kind of waves are used in magnetic resonance imaging to map body tissues?

To map body tissues, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) uses a combination of techniques: a powerful magnetic field, and radio waves. Radio waves are utilized for mapping because they will not damage the body tissue.