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Orbital energy is the sum of the object's kinetic energy and its gravitational potential energy as it moves through its orbit.

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Q: What is orbital energy of an orbiting object?
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What do you mean by the orbital energy of an orbiting object?

Orbital energy is the sum of the object's kinetic energy and its gravitational potential energy as it moves through its orbit

What is the definition of orbital radius?

it is the distance between what an object is orbiting around and the object itself in any given point

Do stars have moons like planets do?

No. An object orbiting a star would not be called a moon. If an object orbiting a star is large enough and is the dominant object in its orbital path, then it is considered a planet. A similar object that does not dominate its orbital path is a dwarf planet. Smaller objects may be called asteroids or comets.

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I used Newton's version of Kepler's third law to calculate Saturn's mass from orbital characteristics of its moon Titan?

Yes, the equation p2 = a3, where p is a planet's orbital period in years and a is the planet's average distance from the Sun in AU. This equation allows us to calculate the mass of a distance object if we can observe another object orbiting it and measure the orbiting object's orbital period and distance.

What is the Orbital radius when the planet is closest to the sun?

The point when an orbiting object is closest to the central object is called periapsis. For the specific case of planets around the Sun, the term perihelion is used as well.

What is needed to launch anything into space?

Energy enough to accelerate the object to an orbital velocity.

What kind of electricity is produced by rubbing?

static electricity and a bit of kinetic energy if object is moving or orbiting.

What is satellite orbital spacing?

orbital spacing is the satellite spacing between the satellites orbiting in same frequency band

What would happen to an orbiting object if gravity was decreased?

First the object get faraway more and more, and step by step when it is getting far, it is not more orbiting, so we cannot say that it is a orbiting object now,but it is wandering object.

When an object moves around another object it is?


What part of speech is the word orbital?

The word orbiting is a verb. It is the present participle of orbit.