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Q: Is Le Delice De Bourgogne a soft triple cream cheese safe for someone with celiac disease?
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Where can I find celiac disease diets online?

Celiac disease usually means you will need a gluten free diet. Sites such as the Mayo Clinic will offer some insight on a proper gluten free diet for someone with celiac disease.

Is celiac disease inherited?

Yes. Usually if a someone is diagnosed with celiac, they will have other family members with the disease. Anoother associated allergy to celiac is lactose-intolerance. (allergy to milk).Yes, celiac disease is a hereditary disease. A doctor can determine if you suffer from it.

What is the name of the disease that is caused by an intolerance to gluten?

Celiac's Disease.

What is damaged is celiac disease?

If you have celiac disease then it will damage your small intestine.

With celiac disease can you still have a child?

Of course!... Celiac Disease does not interfear with having a child. It just means that your child might have celiac disease.

What are some other names for celiac disease?

Celiac disease may also be called sprue, nontropical sprue, gluten sensitive enteropathy, celiac sprue, and adult celiac disease.

How did celiac disease start?

I have celiac's disease. I was diagnosed july 16, 2010. I am not sure how i got it, all i know is that my mother carried the genes for celiac's disease. My father also gave blood and he found out he has celiac's disease too.

How does advertisement affect people with celiac disease?

advertisements DO NOT affect people with celiac disease!!

How does someone get diagnosed with celiac disease?

Yes, you do indeed have celiac disease, not to worry, however. A quick visit to your local GP should prove to be useful as it is very easily treated and does not talk long to be fixed.

What disease did John. F. Kennedy have?

I don't know and don't care. So ask someone else.

What is a positive igg value for celiac disease?

Anything over an 8 is positive for Celiac Disease.

Does dairy have gluten?

A wheat and diary free diet is suitable for some with Celiac disease because wheat and dairy is not healthy to someone who has celiac disease because it is not good for their body.