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Yes. It is by far the largest producer of avocados in the world, with a production of 1.46 million tonnes during 2013.

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Q: Is Mexico the largest producer of avocados?
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What country's does avocados come from?

Avocados are native to southern Mexico. Related (now extinct) species are represented in the fossil record as far north as the southern US.Avocados can be grown in any tropical or Mediterranean climate, though Mexico is still the largest overall producer of avocados in the world.

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Silver. Mexico is the largest producer in the world of such mineral.

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Mexico is a huge producer of Onions, Chayote, Avocados, Lemons, Limes, Papaya, chilies, peppers, oranges, mangoes, beans & chickens.

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The largest single producer of silver is Mexico isn´t Brazil

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No. Mexico is the 7th largest oil producer in the world. It is the leading producer of other products and minerals, such as silver. See related questions.

Which country is largest producer for silver?

Peru, then Mexico and China. It was Mexico until Feb 2008