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Yes, Mr. Cunningham initially displays prejudice towards Atticus Finch and Tom Robinson due to societal influences, but he ultimately chooses to prioritize justice and fairness over his own biases during the trial in "To Kill a Mockingbird."

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Q: Is Mr Cunningham prejudiced
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After Scout talks to Mr. Cunningham about Walter and the entailment of his farm, she diffuses a potentially dangerous situation by addressing Mr. Cunningham as an individual, reminding him of their shared history. This personal connection prompts Mr. Cunningham to reconsider his decision to harm Atticus.

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In the book To Kill A Mockingbird, Mr. Cunningham pays Atticus with hickory nuts and other items. Mr. Cunningham is very poor and has to pay by giving goods rather than money to Atticus.

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When Atticus says Mr. Cunningham has blind spots, he means that Mr. Cunningham may have good qualities but also holds biased or flawed beliefs. In this case, he is referring to Mr. Cunningham's participation in the mob that came to harm Tom Robinson, despite his earlier display of kindness towards Atticus.

During the confrontation at the jail who does Scout talk to?

She talks to Mr. Cunningham the father of Walter Cunningham.

What does atticus mean when he says that Mr Cunningham has blind spots?

I think he means that Mr. Cunningham is a good person but has his flaws and imperfection like everyone else.

Atticus receives payment from Mr Cunningham as?

Atticus does not expect payment from Mr. Cunningham for his legal services. Instead, Mr. Cunningham pays Atticus with a sack of hickory nuts. This illustrates the deep respect and gratitude that Mr. Cunningham holds for Atticus and his moral character, and highlights the theme of compassion and understanding in "To Kill a Mockingbird."

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Scout diffuses the situation by recognizing Mr. Cunningham and engaging him in conversation, which reminds him of his humanity. By talking to him as an individual and acknowledging their shared humanity, Scout helps Mr. Cunningham see past his prejudice and reconsider his actions, ultimately preventing harm to Tom.

In To Kill a Mockingbird which man on the jury takes the longest to be convinced that Tom is guilty?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," the man who takes the longest to be convinced that Tom Robinson is guilty is an elderly juror known as Mr. Cunningham. He is characterized as compassionate and fair-minded, ultimately being swayed by Atticus Finch's strong case and moral conviction.