

Is Rome Rich Or Poor

Updated: 12/21/2022
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11y ago

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rome is rich

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Q: Is Rome Rich Or Poor
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What is Rome's Justice system?

In Rome they want to get the rich and poor separated so they had the military for justice.

Why did Rome become divided between rich and poor people?

beacuse it did.:)

Did poor people and rich people have separate jobs and were they separated or classed in ancient rome?

Yes, the poor people would work for or be slaves for the rich, the poor people were the plebeians and the rich were called the patricians; the equestrians was another of the classes.

Why was rome in trouble in 135 BC?

Rome was in trouble on 135 B.C because farmers lost their land, meaning Rome lost its economy. Merchants became very poor because luxuries were available in other places for rich Romans to buy, artisans lost their business because the Romans wanted to buy from Syria and Greece, and government officials were to busy getting money to worry about the republic's problems. The gap between the rich and the poor grew. The poor hated the rich and the rich hated the poor. Because of all this, Rome lost its political stability.

What where rich people caled in rome?

they are called PATRITIONS and the poor people were called PLEBIANS.

What did rich citizens drink in ancient rome?

Water and diluted wine were the main drinks of all Romans, both rich and poor.

What set of written laws was Rome's first and applied to both the rich and the poor?

The twelve tables

Did people in rome have equal lives?

No they did not. The rich lead a life of opulence and the poor struggle to survive.

How did the ancient Rome distribute their resources?

The rich became richer and the poor become poorer. The state distributed a free grain dole the the poor.

As Rome expanded what was beset by social and economic troubles were caused by?

The widening gap between the rich and the poor.

Why did plebeians not like the early rome republic?

they where extremely poor and laws where not helping them against rich people.

What was the group of rich people in rome that let the poor vote?

During the Roman Republic all Roman citizens had the right to vote, including the poor.Therefore, the poor did not need a group of rich people to allow them to vote.