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What do you mean by good? As far as it being sweet, light crude, sure, but along the lines of the implications of buying oil from them, probably not. Continual dependence on foreign oil from anywhere is sure to have harmful repercussions.

It is important to grasp the idea that our economy, our lifestyle, our well-being based on a quality of life that comes from using plastic wrap and toothbrushes and car tires and refrigerators and metals melted down and formed from electricity and energy mostly made from coal, oil, or natural gas- all of these things come from oil, and most oil is overseas and the basis for many wars and opposition between countries.

We think that computers, solar panels, and electric cars are going to save us when oil runs out- but oil is needed to make these devices and all the things used to make those things, especially plastics and metal parts.

Of all the things that can save us, nuclear power is one of the best, but it requires a huge amount of carbon energy to build a nuclear plant, and the ramifications of nuclear plant containment and waste disposal cannot be underestimated.

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Q: Is Saudi oil good oil
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