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Yes and no. Yes because Paganism (the root of Wicca) is actually the oldest religion in the world and The Pope (head of the oldest Christian faith) admitted in the 1300's to stealing not only Pagan worship sites, dates and etc. but a lot of rituals and etc. from Pagans (in an attempt to get Pagans to convert to Christianity). So Paganism and in a way Wicca is actually the root of all religions.

However, Wicca is actually a very modern religion on its own. Gerald Garner updated and transformed The Pagan Belief System to incorporate other traditions and allow a more open belief system in the 1940's. This is what we know as Wicca.

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When was wicca recognized as a religion In Tennessee?

Wicca is a newer religion based on a mix of Saxon/Celtic folk traditions and Ceremonial magic. It was officially called Wicca by Gerald Gardener in the 50's. In the United States, Wicca was finally recognized as a religion in various states and by the Army in response to it's soldiers wanting to practice their faith without persecution.

Is Wicca a commonly practiced religion?

Wicca today is a commonly practiced religion, though many are still in the closet so no true number of practitioners can be accurately recorded. It is a very unique religion that people find themselves drawn to. It is a constantly growing and expanding religion that takes on new followers everyday, no different than any other religion. The main difference is that Wicca doesn't scare people into converting, as most of us believe that everyone has a path they need to follow, and if their path brings them to Wicca, then they should follow it, if it takes them to Christianity, then they should follow it.

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As a general rule for non-mainstream pagan religions (more so wicca than any other) Halloween, or Samhain, is a time to honour and pay respects to those who have passed away in the course of the year. In addition, for followers Celtic wicca, it is the start of a new year.

Can any person join the Wicca religion?

Of course! Wicca is open to anyone. Study for a year and a day, then do a self dedication ritual. You can also join a Coven if you like.

Is Christianity related to any other religion?

Christianity is an outgrowth of Judaism.

What is the difference between pagans and wiccans?

Paganism, by definition, is any various religion outside of Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. Wicca is a type of Paganism, and falls under its umbrella. A comparison would be like saying Christianity is a religion, but Southern Baptist is a form of religion that comes under Christianity as a whole. More specifically, Pagan means "country dweller", where Wicca means "witchcraft". One does not have to participate in Wicca in order to be a pagan, but those who practice Wicca are all considered Pagans by default.

What kind of people can join the Wicca religion?

anyone is can be a wiccan. It is not limited to any particular type of person, race, age, or sexuality. The main tenant of Wicca is Harm None. It is a religion of doing good and living in harmony with the earth and the world around you.

What is Hip pop related to satanism?

Since when have you heard any Hip hop or Rap songs related to Satanism? Or even Wicca in that matter?

What regelion do witches follow?

A Witch is someone who practices WitchCraft. Witches could follow any religion that accepts WitchCraft. (The word Wtch does not mean Female. A male could also practice Witchcaft, and be called as a Witch) Many Witches follow a pagan religion. There is a large number of Witches who follow Wicca as their religon; but this does Not mean that all Witches follow Wicca, or All Wiccans practice WitchCraft. WitchCraft itself is a religion. Wicca is a new religion which is very simillar to the ancient religion of Witches.

Can men be wiccan?

Yes, wiccans are practicianers of "Wicca" and can be of either sex.

Is there anywhere other than the internet to get books on wicca?

Absolutely. "Barnes and Noble" and "Borders" both offer a HUGE selection of books on Wicca. You will find them in the Paganism section of the Religion section. You may want to check out your local library, and any New-age, Metaphysical, or Occult books stores in your area as well.

You are interested in wicca and dont have any information on it what should you do?

The internet is a great place to start as there are many Wicca related websites with some great information available. I own a site called Pagan Magic, and I update it everyday with information, news, articles and spells relating to Wicca.