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It depends on what u put in there. If u put just put some newspapers and a water bowl and a food bowl, your basicly kissin' ur mouse goodbye. U know what a mouse needs, a spinning wheel for it to run on, proper foor and water, etc.

AnswerA mouse won't care which you choose. However, a tank has plastic seal at the inside corners which the mouse will likely chew off. It won't effect the tank or make it fall apart, but the plastic isn't good for the mouse. Answeri use tanks as it keeps in the heat and youngters cannot slip through the bars and a tank is easier 2 clean and if u want the bedding deep it wont spill through the bars the only bad point i no of is that u cannot attach a water bottle 2 the side. AnswerRodents can be prone to respitory illnesses brought on by drafts, however, poor circulation of air can also cause problems so use your better judgment.. if you have a drafty house then a tank is choice provided you have some way to circulate air into and out of the tank. they have some nice cage like tank attachments that you can buy at just about any pet store.. this allows for air to circulate but not become overwelming...

i find that tanks are way beter so much easier to clean and what that other person said about them chewing the plastic and the cage falling apart they are wrong my mice have been in the same cage for about 7 months and its still good as just a few chew marks so i would have to say choose a tank and put news paper on the bottem or saw dust

AnswerA tank! I had two pet mice and they bit the bars on a mouse wire cage until they were weak and slipped through. The results was one got into the wild, the other one died horribly.

Kayti xx

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A container for keeping a baby mouse - along with any small pet rodent - should be safe, secure, and easy to clean. A well-ventilated plastic container is fine for very young mice that have not yet opened their eyes, as long as it is secure from any potential predators. For older mice, a cage with bars that are spaced so that the mouse cannot press its head through the bars is a good option. A ten or twenty gallon aquarium is your best bet overall, and it very easy to clean compared to a traditional metal bar cage. A little 4x6 vented cricket cage.

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Q: Is a cage or a tank better for a pet mouse?
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What does a pet mouse need to live in?

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A cage

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Hamster because mice stink and hamster like to play more than mice. If you want a playful pet choose hamster an if you want a pet that will just sit around in the cage then the mouse is for you!

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A cage.

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Your mouse is either just rearranging the furniture or is telling you the cage is too dirty.

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bye a cage at ur local pet store and keep it in a room where the cat is STRICTLY FORBIDEN to go.

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You can... they probably won't like it! If they smell, clean out their cage.

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cause it loves your little mouse lol i have no idea maby it was hungry or thought the cage was a nice place to stay...

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chicken is tasty

How many inches should a mouse cage be?

It should be like a fish tank. about 24" maybe 36". but MAKE SURE THE HOLES ARE SOOOOOO TINY!!! You would be surprised what a mouse can fit through! Another Answer: Much like a hamster, your cage should be 360 sq inches of space. You should make it bigger for your pet to explore. Your pet should be able to not be bored all the time, so make sure your pet has plenty of toys to play with.

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the gold fish tank are in the pet shop above the bolly cage