

Is a comma before say

Updated: 4/27/2024
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I don't know what you're talking about. Sorry...

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7h ago

No, a comma is not required before "say" in most cases. It depends on the context and the structure of the sentence.

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Such as a comma b and c or a comma b comma and c People say the last comma before and is not necessary?

last comma before the and is not necessary

Can a comma be placed before a but.?

Yes it can, but some people say you shouldn't put a comma in front of an and.

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it depends on what you want to say.

Is there a comma before therefore?

Say your sentence aloud. If you find you pause before the word 'therefore', you will probably want to insert a comma. If you do not pause, no comma is required. Use a comma when the sense requires it, not because you have a specific word in your sentence.

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Only if it begins a new clause. We say I like everyone, including you. If there is no new clause, there should be no comma. We say This group is including you in its membership.

Should I use a comma before the word who?

It really depends on what the rest of the sentence is. For example, it is correct to say, "I don't know who will be there." In that case, there is no comma before "who". It is also correct to say, "My new neighbors, who have not spoken to me yet, keep letting their dog come into my yard and dig holes." That example does contain a comma before "who".

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the comma would be before Or In A Sentencee. =]

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Yes, you should use a comma before "Jr." when writing a person's name to separate the person's last name from the suffix. For example, "John Smith, Jr."

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The comma should come before the word "but" when it is used to separate two independent clauses. For example: "I wanted to go to the store, but it started raining."

Is there a comma after but?

no. if but before is a sentence on its on and after but is a sentence on its own then put a comma before but.

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An comma goes before so

Does a comma go before the word in?

No, a comma does not go before the word 'in'.