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Mystery snail (Pomacea Bridgesii) also called Apple snail are OK with the smaller fish but to put them in with large and aggressive cichlids like the Jack Dempsey (Cichlasoma octofasciatum) is begging to have them killed and eaten. The simple answer is no they are not compatible.

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There may be but I have never heard of one. Cichlids eat snails.

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Q: Is a golden mystery snail compatible with a Jack Dempsey Cichlid in a Freshwater Aquarium?
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What is a Jack dempsey fish?

The Jack Dempsey fish is a Central American Cichlid.

What algae eater creature is compatible with a turquoise severum and Jack Dempsey Cichlid besides plecos and Chinese algae eaters?

Try aquatic snails, like apple snails.

Can you keep swordtails with a jack dempsey?

no. the jack dempsey cichlid is highly aggressive. you might be able to get by with it for awhile but when the jack dempsey gets bigger there is no doubt that you might wake up one morning and some of them might be missing. (Jack Dempsey will most likely eat them).and if you are thinking of keeping a jack dempsey make sure you have the correct habitat and feed it the correct food.lots of plants and big rocks, sand is suggested. (they will move the sand or small gravel/rock no matter what)they are very territorial and i strongly advise you have more than 50 U.S. Gal. otherwise your cichlid will be very unhappy (the jack dempsey gets LARGE)also if you like this cichlid so much you want to buy 2, it is not a good idea. they don't even like looking at their own reflection (my jack dempsey cichlid will sit and hit his head up against the glass because he doesnt like to think theres another cichlid.)if you do, do this, is strongly advise you look at correct tank mates. i hear that the jack dempsey can get along with an Oscar cichlid, (pick a cichlid, just not one that looks alot like your jack).food: frozen blood worms mainly, and periodically feed Cichlid food (i recommend Cichlid Gold by Hikari because it will give your fish great color as it gets bigger)oh and if you buy any type of cichlid, even a jack dempsey, make sure you buy stress coat. it promotes the growth of your cichlids fins, and if you buy the right kind it can de-chlorify your water.hope my advice helps! :]

Cichlasoma octofasciatum is the Latin name for a highly aggressive cichlid named for what highly aggressive boxer?

Jack Dempsey

Can you keep 1 jack dempsey cichlid with 2 convicts in a 30 gallon?

just your convict cichlids but, a jack would need a 55

Could you stick a jack dempsey and a Texas cichild in a 50 gallon tank?

you could probably get by with it but if you are going with a blue Texas cichlid and a jack dempsey cichlid in the same tank there will be some rivalry because they look very similar. (jacks don't like fish that look like them) i don't know much about Texas cichlids, if they are territorial you want to go with a bigger tank. Jacks are VERY territorial and will kill anything to claim its fishtank. Hope this helps! :] by the way, both cichlids prefer 55 U.S. Gal + you could get by with them together, make sure that the jack is smaller also otherwise if its bigger it might kill your Texas cichlid.

What are the breeding habits of electric blue jack dempsey's?

Once mature the pair pair will claim a spot in the aquarium and eventually lay their eggs, usually on a rock or other object in the aquarium. Once laid it's a good idea to remove the female for her safety.

What tropical fish should you never put in a planted aquarium?

An Oscar, Jack Dempsey, heck I could go on forever. Many South American Cichlids will destroy plants to their liking, if you're just wondering if you can get the fish in a planted aquarium go to a store that specializes in fish and ask them, they can lead you to very good species for a planted aquarium.

Is Patrick Dempsey Jack Dempsey's grandson?

No, jack dempsey had no children

Can you feed box elder bugs to your Jack Dempsey Cichlid?

Dear sender I was chopping onions in my kitchen and i saw a box elder bug. I was about to kill it until i saw that it was eating an onion with its proboscis. It was an interesting sight. And a week before that i saw a box elder drinking water i had spilled.

What is the birth name of Clifford Dempsey?

Clifford Dempsey's birth name is Clifford John Dempsey.