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Conduction: Heat travels via Metal parts on Bulb Convection Current: Hot air around bulb rises and cool air replaces it thus heat from bulb will consistantly warm up cool air around it. Radiation: Bulb is bright and shiny, thus emits infra red radiation. These are my opinion and they are not model answers. Mr Lin. from Singapore zillusia100 a.t. Yahoo point com point sg

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11y ago

Actually it is thermal radiation. Heat is radiated by the bulb to the shade. If the shade were touching the bulb, it would be conduction. If the shade were above the bulb, it would be convection, where the air heated by the bulb would rise to heat the shade.

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Q: How can an electric light bulb transfer heat in covection radiation and conduction?
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How does radiation and conduction work?

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How does conduction convection and radiation work?

Conduction: Heat transfer by direct contact, such as from an electric coil on a stove to the pot. Convection: Heat transfer though the air, such as in an oven. Radiation: Heat transfer via waves, such as from the Sun to Earth.

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Hm... maybe convection, conduction, and radiation. Conduction is transfer by touch. Convection is transfer by liquid or gas movement. Radiation is transfer by distance.

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