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No, first he would need to obtain a divorce. Lacking the divorce, if he were to remarry, it would constitute bigamy...which is a prosecutable offense in the US.

Not only may you not marry without a divorce , most states will hold you responsible for child support of the other man's child unless he steps up and claims his parental rights and voluntarily supports the child. You need a lawyer NOW!

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Q: Is a man free to marry if his wife has a child from another man while they are still married?
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Related questions

What is it called when you are still married and you try to marry another person?

it's called bigamy.

If my husband is married in Mexico can i marry him in the US?

No, in most countries it is illegal (a crime) to marry someone that is still legally married to another person.

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I assume you are referring to Social Security's "disabled adult child" benefits. I believe that if you marry, you may no longer collect DAC benefits, unless you marry another DAC. Call Social Security for clarification.

How can a married man marry another mans wife without commiting bigamy?

If either one is still married no. If all are unmarried, yes.

Can on one get married while divorce in process in CA?

You're kidding, right? If you are still married, you can not legally marry another! No one cares if you have a divorce in progress or not. It's like being pregnant; you are either married (can't legally marry another) or you or divorced. There is no in between.

If you marry your finance and he owes child support will you have to pay in NY?

He is still the father of the child, no matter who he is married to; so he has to pay up.If you marry him, you will also be liable. When you marry, you marry everything, including his bills! Check the credit card balance also! You would be surprised how many people marry some big debt there!

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No. She didn’t get married. And has another child to another man. And still unmarried.

When a child marries at 16 are the parents still still the guardians until they become 18?

The parents have to sign a document permitting you to marry at 16. Once married, you are on your own.

Do you still have to pay child support if the mother of your child is married to someone in the military?

Yes. Another man is not going to have to pay for your child just because he is married to the mother. Only the biological parents pay for their child.

Can you get married in Vegas if you are still married?

The second marriage does not count, in any state. So, no, it is not legal in Vegas. If you married a second time while still legally married to another, you have committed a crime. It is called Bigamy and you are subject to fines, jail or both. You IS in a whole lot of trouble.

Do parents still try to get there child to marry who they want them to marry?

in other countries they still do but not here, you can love and marry whoever you want

If your divorce is not final in America but got married in another country?

You cannot legally marry if your divorce is not final, even if you go to another country it is still bigamy.