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I believe that it depends on A) the individuals and B) if we're talking religiously or not.

A) Some define Adultery as being, extramarital sex that willfully and maliciously interferes with marriage relations. Some say that it doesn't have to be sex, but that it simply has to interfere with marriage relationships. So how we interpret "interference" would depend on the individual.

If a man kisses another woman/man, and his wife is perfectly fine with it... does it really cause an "Interference" in their relationship? If a woman kisses another man/woman, and the husband is perfectly find with it... was there a disturbance?

B) People today tend define it as any act of sexual intercourse outside of marriage or, perhaps a bit more narrowly, any act of sexual intercourse between a married person and someone who is not their spouse.

The only problem is, is if we're talking religiously... it can be interpreted a hundred different ways... simply because English was not the original language The Bible was written in, and so already it has been interpreted.

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Q: Is a passionate kiss outside of marriage considered adultery?
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Yes. Sexuality of any kind outside your marriage is adultery.

What are the christian views on sexual relations?

It is okay as long as it is with the married couple. But then outside marriage it is adultery.

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Sexual relations outside of marriage such as sexual intercourse, and similar acts.

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Actually -- sex outside of marriage is NOT practiced among 'genuine' Christians.For example: Among Jehovah's Witnesses, anyone who practices sex before marriage, or sex outside of marriage, or adultery; is a disfellowshipping offense. We actually PRACTICE disfellowshipping.Sex outside marriage -- is only practiced among 'psuedo' Christians; 'self-proclaimed' Christians; by people who 'call themselves' Christian. Therefore it gives a warped view of what genuine Christianity is all about.

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No. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that any sexual activity outside of a legal heterosexual marriage is a very serious sin, and often face excommunication for such acts. Adultery is strictly prohibited.

Would you be committing adultery if you are not married?

Technically, adultery is when a married person engages in sexual activity with someone who is not their spouse. If you are not married, engaging in sexual activity with someone who is married could be seen as participating in adultery, but for unmarried individuals, it would not be classified as adultery.

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None! Sex outside of marriage is considered a grave sin.

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Yes, it is considered a sin in Islam for a Muslim to engage in any form of sexual activity outside of marriage, regardless of the marital status of the other person involved. Islam promotes chastity and fidelity within the confines of a lawful marriage.

What does you shall not commit adultery mean?

Having sex outside of marriage, either yours, or your partner's or that of you both. Felt I needed to correct this answer because it's not at all true how God sees adultery. The bible tells us that in God's eyes it is even wrong to lust within our hearts. You can commit adultery even if you don't commit a sexual act. It's sharing a sexual or intimate bond (something you wouldn't do with that person if your spouse was around) with someone other than your spouse. If you are taking away your gift of intimacy a married couple is supposed to have, whether it is sexual, physical, mental, or emotional, if you are taking that from your marriage and giving it to someone other than your spouse, you have committed adultery. Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery. - Hebrews 13:4

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Zeus had too many children outside his marriage to count!

Is adultry wrong?

Right and wrong depends on who the judge is. Do you and your partner have an agreement that it is ok to cheat? You do? Then for you and your partner, no, it may not be wrong. But even so, people outside of your relationship may not agree. What if "the other person" also has a partner who does not know about and/or approve of the activity? Then to them it may be wrong. And then there are people who are not connected to the action at all but who may judge you for your actions. For example, some conservative religious groups believe that any kind of sexual activity outside of marriage is a sin. To them, it would clearly be wrong, too. Finally, what about children? Do you already have kids with your partner? Is there a chance of getting someone else pregnant? What would you say to them if they found out?

Is it adultry if the affair is with someone of the same sex and your spouse approves?

Adultery is defined as having sexual relations outside of marriage. According to the Bible, if you even look at another person with lust then you have comitted adultry. Keep your mind pure and your body will follow.