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A positive urine drop is a reason for parole violation in every state. This is the reason urine tests are done in the first place.

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Q: Is a positive urine drop a means for probation revocation in Wisconsin?
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Does a probation revocation mean your probation is being revoked?

YOU don't revoke your probation, the judge revokes it - if - you have done something that is in violation of the provisions of your probation release. If so, you COULD be facing penalties up to serving the remainder of your sentence in jail.

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It depends on the circumstances. If you are found in violation of the terms of your probation or parole due to a motion to revoke on misdemeanors, you could face consequences such as fines, community service, or imprisonment. However, the severity of the punishment will vary based on the specific details of the case and the judge's ruling.

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What does revocation mean?

According to Garner; revocation means it is anact of mind, terminating the potential capacity of the will to operate at the death of the testator, manifested by some outward or visible act or sign, symbolic thereof.

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It means the person is on probation for a period of 6 months.

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This usually means a period of incarceration prior to relase to probation supervision.

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Administrative probation is sometimes referred to as "Court supervised" probation. Administrative Probation means you will not have to report monthly in person to a probation officer. However, you are still on probation. You still must complete all required terms and conditions of your probation or you face a warrant for your arrest for Violation of Probation.

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That means reporting to a probation officer as directed for two years.

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It means that you have successfully fulfilled the requirements of your sentence of probation and are released from "custody."

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If you wree 'violated' and had your probation revoked - it means that the judge is giving it back to you.