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Q: Is a seedless watermelon a fruit?
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Is a water melen a fruit?

any plant that contains seeds is a fruit. like a tomato for example it is a fruit. watermelon does in fact contain seeds therefore it is a fruit. if you get a seedless watermelon you will notice white things on the inside where seeds would form. those watermelons were not fully grown thus do not contain seeds. so to answer your question watermelon is a fruit.

Do watermelon have seeds?

Some do and some don't. There are seedless watermelon

Is Anything That Have Seed Considered A Fruit?

No. Many vegetables have seeds, such as tomato, cucumber, okra, eggplant, squash and others as well. Also, there are seedless fruits, such as seedless grapes, watermelon and cherries.

There are white seeds in seedless watermelon. How can they call them seedless?

Those white seeds are vestigial seeds and are not viable - which means they don't have the innards to germinate. They can be eaten. Since a fruit's function is to provide seeds for plant propagation, it can be difficult to produce a completely seedless fruit. At least you don't have a bunch of seeds to spit out!

What Fruit can hamsters eat do not tell you about the herb?

Hamster can have the following: Apple (seedless) Bananas Black Berries Blue Berries Cherries (Remove stone) Cranberries Figs Grapes (seedless) Kiwi Fruit Loganberries Mango Melon Peach (Remove stone) Pear (seedless) Plums (Remove stone) Raspberries Starfruit Strawberries Watermelon (seedless)

Is pineapple seedless fruit?

yes pineapple is seedless fruit.

Which fruit does not contain seed?

Seedless - * oranges * mandarins * watermelons * grapes * persimmons * cucumbers * eggplant * bananas Reall easy bannanas , seedless grapes and some pple buy seedless watermelon

What country produced the first seedless watermelon?


In what year was the watermelon discovered?

The answer is never! The seedless watermelon is in fact not anything of the sort. On the contrary it has many seeds. I just ate a slice about a few minutes ago and low and behold my seedless watermelon had seeds, albeit edible seeds, but seeds nonetheless. This new fruity invention should be called the watermelon with edible seeds. Of course that doesn't have the same ring as the "seedless watermelon"

What is seeded watermelon?

Seeded watermelon has large black seeds in pink part, as well as some small white ones. SeedLESS watermelon came out a while ago--it has almost no seeds; usually there are still a few little white seeds. The term "seeded" watermelon is just to distinguish it from "seedless" watermelon.

How do you choose a really good seedless watermelon?

smell it and feel it

What is the name given to a seedless fruit?

A seedless fruit is just known as a false fruit. Pineapple for example is scientifically classed as a false fruit.