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Symmons makes these as well as Powers. You can call your local Ferguson Enterprises

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Q: Is a surface mount shut off valve that is closed with a flathead screw driver available from a pluming supplier?
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Because it increases the surface area available for transfer of materials.

What other product can o use other than sand to blast paint off a pool?

I don't know where you get them, but there are plastic bead available, I believe there is a product that is ground nut shells. Both of these are less damaging to the the surface the paint is on. I just looked and there are a lot of options. You would have to look in your area for a supplier of sand blasting supplies.

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since it is not available it costs nothing!!

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The ridged gill surface has better gas exchange. This is because it has more surface area available for gasses like O2 and CO2 to diffuse.Ê

How do you adjust the rear brakes of a 1995 Ford Aspire?

There is a metal tab that has a small slit punched into the surface that you can fit a flathead screwdriver in. This will be in the middle of the break assembly, above the axel. Move it one way to loosen and one way to tighten.

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Yes, in many deserts there are oases with permanent surface water available. Some deserts have rivers, lakes or streams and some deserts have ground water available a few feet below the surface.

How do you find the missing width in surface area?

Answer depends on what the shape is and what other information is available.

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Which structures of the small intestines increases the surface area available for absorption?

Plicae and villi

What is microvillus?

it is a thin protuberance present in great abundance at the surface of some epithelial cells, notably in the gut, thus increasing the surface area available for absorption