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I had a stalker. A stalker is someone who has a dangerouss obsession with another individual he or she will actually stalk someone. An admirer is someone that admires someone. A person can talk to you and still be a stalker or admirer. A person can be both a stalker and admirer. You need to be more specific with your question.

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Q: Is an admirer a good person or a evil person like a stalker and do stalker's talk to the person they are after or is it admirer's who talk to the person they really like?
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Who acts like stalkers?

A stalker is the person who acts like stalker. There is no other guy who acts like it. only a stalker can act like a stalker.

How can a admirer be a stalker if the admirer has spoken to the person they care about and the other person knows the admirer likes them but still avoids them and ignores them?

Because the person being "admired" is uncomfortable with the attention and/or contact, and probably hoped the "admirer" would take the hint and move on.

How do you reply a secret admirers message?

Very circumspectly. Could be some creepy person or stalker.

What do you call someone that wants to be like you?

A person who wants to be like you can be referred to as an admirer, a role model enthusiast, or a protege.

How do you know if someone is a stalker even though they are a good person but they seem to know everything that is going on in our street?

At one time, such a person would be known as a 'busybody' or 'nosy'. I don't think that the term 'stalker' applies!

Why does somebody still avoid you when they know that your just a admirer not a stalker and you have never done anything seriously bad but only like that person simple has that?

Well, it mostly because that person has friends who think that it is funny that they have an admirer, and they are encouraging him/her to act all creeped out in front of you. Peer pressure

How do you know if person you barely know points out how you sleep and that you want them with a smile does that mean they are interested?

If a person watches you sleep and says they want to sleep with you, then yes, this stalker is interested. I wouldn't get too involved, however. You know how stalkers can be......

Why are people so scared of creepers?

Stalkers have a psychological problem called OCD. It is an obsessive disorder and they center in on one person or idea. Once they do this it is very hard on the person that they have an obsession about because everything the person does to make the person stop is seen as encouragement by the stalker.

How do you scare your stalker away?

Some stalkers will stop if you call the police and they visit the person (if you know who they are and where they live) to tell them that the behaviour is against the law and they could be charged.

How do stalkers think?

Stalkers often have a distorted perception of the person they are stalking, often believing they have a special connection or relationship. They may engage in obsessive thinking and fixate on the person, feeling a sense of entitlement and possessiveness. Stalkers may also experience delusions, paranoia, or a desire for control and power over their target.

What does stalker means?

A stalker, is someone who basically is attracted to someone very much. obsessive person who follows you practically ever where (They follow you everywhere, collect strange things like used tissues and stuff, real-creepy-like stuff.)

If he is constantly asking people where I am is he a stalker?

If hes your boy friend he's controlling, If he's a friend he's a stalker! in a way yes but,the person may just be an admirer that just wanders what your doing.if its someone you know personally,he/she might just like hanging around with you.But if its someone much older than you,notify the police.Other than that the person may just be a stalker that has nothing better to do but,if threats get involved,again,you map want to notify the police