

Is animal testing cruel to animals?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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That depends on what the testing is. For most logical tests, yes.

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Q: Is animal testing cruel to animals?
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Should animal testing be there?

no, animal testing shouldn't be done. it is cruel. why would you test a cleaner on an animal... i mean its insane what they do to these animals. :)

What is the most important argument against banning animal testing?

Because animal tests are cruel and animals could die.

Why did people invent animal testing?

They invented animal testing to test products but this is mean it should not exist its cruel and it kills many animals like dog, cat and others

Why ban animal testing?

Because its cruel.

Why do you use animal testing?

Animal testing helps to cure diseases and to discover new cures and vaccines for both, animals AND humans. It is totally normal that humans use animals to test on because we use nature for our own health. However, animal testing used for cosmetics is completely cruel and unnecessary.

How many jobs are there in animal testing?

There are hundreds of thousands of animals in animal testing. Many are primates like chimps, gorillas, and orangutans, but there are also mice, dogs, and horses going through this cruel process.

What are arguments for and against testing on animals?

Some of the arguments for are that it saves human lives, humans are superior to animals and the animals do not know that its happening. Some of the arguments against animal testing are its cruel to animals, animals have rights as well, you should treat animals the same as humans and theres alternatives out there to animal testing. On one side you have the for the other against. The opposing position against probably says it is nessacary for the animal testing because animals are about the same as humans. On the against position animal testing is wrong because it can cause the animal deadly pain and diseases. But I think there should be a human in the place of an animal because animals have feelings.

Can animal testing make instingtion to animals?

Yes if they take them out of the wild, but no if they breed them in captivity. But it is a very cruel practice. Note the spelling of extinction

What animals are killed during animal testing?

yes well that's not the only reason there's hunting cars poachers animal fights cruel people real sudden environment changes but animal testing is a big part of it like dissection and testing new medicine and other experi Cancel ments

Does animal testing mutate the animals?

does animal testing mutate the animalsyes, it mutates the animals genes

How many people disagree with animal testing?

because for the most part the animals are going thru a biochemical warfare. they are being tested against there will. a lot of people think that it is cruel, which to a degree is, but would you want them testing on humans?

Is animal testing crule?

yes,very cruel depending on what people are trying to test.its painfull,stressfull and the poor animals are frightened, scared and lonley