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after my misscarraige and dnc i bleed every other week for a long time, if you have had a miscarraige without medical care consult your GP and talk to them about what has happened. it is essential for your health and the abbility to have children in the future that everything is ok and that there is no chance of infection...for those who hadmedical care through their miscarraige your doctor will have made sure to decrease any chance of infection drastically...

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not necessarily. Most likely you could have fibroids, an endometrial polyp, or a thyroid imbalance. You should consult a gynecogist.

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Can you be pregnant again two weeks after miscarriage?


Can you avoid pregnancy after two weeks?

Either by having a natural miscarriage or an abortion.

Can you get pregnant two months after a miscarriage and two weeks after your period?

Yes you can get pregnant right after.

You Had a miscarriage at 5 weeks then bleeding stopped and then two weeks later started again?

most likely you had a miscairriage, then two weeks later had your period. You may want to talk to a doctor though.

Is it a miscarriage if you have a Blood clot at 5 weeks pregnant?

Recently I experienced my third miscarriage at 4 weeks. I had two days of heavy bleeding and one day when a very large clot plopped into the toilet, which was the amniotic sac.Yes you do pass clots and tissue.Good luck and blessings!

Is 900 high for an HCG level after a miscarriage if it was 2777 two weeks ago?

The most important thing is not how high it is but that it is falling. I am sorry.

I had a miscarriage two weeks ago i quit bleeding after that but now I'm bleeding again is this normal?

I had a miscarriage at 3 moths...i bled for 2 weeks,stopped then bleed again for a few weeks.My 3 periods after this were extremely painful ad heavy.I was told this was du to my lining trying to reduce itself from being pregnant,DOnt worry its prob Normal.If you get a temp or it starts to smell..go to the doctors.

Is it healthy to still be passing tissue 4 days after your miscarriage?

You can experience this for up to two weeks. I am very sorry for your loss. Hang in there! yes. you can pass tissue from your pregnancy for a couple of weeks. After my D&C I passed clots for 2 weeks. If you are worried call your doctor. Hello. I am very sorry for your loss. Yes you can continue to expell tissue from the miscarriage for two weeks. If you notice a smelly discharge, see your doctor incase you have a infection. Hang in there and my sympathies are with you.

What does your belly fill like at two weeks of being pregnant?

Not really any different to not being, at two weeks your lucky to even know you are pregnant.

How many days should be the vaginal bleeding if you encountered miscarriage?

One to two weeks is normal. I would refer people after 2-3 weeks, depending on the amount of blood loss and whether it was tailing off or not.

You had a miscarriage 5 weeks ago and you want to know is it possible to have a healthy pregnancy after a miscarriage or will you keep on miscarrying?

I myself had a miscarriage after having two successful pregnancies. A few monthsafter my miscarriageI became pregnant again and had another healthy baby. It is different for everyone and I don't know the statistics but I wouldn't worry yet if you have only had one miscarriage. Talking to a good obstetrician would be helpful.

I am almost two weeks pregnant and i think i started my periodis that a miscarriage?

Not necessarily. It is not uncommon to "spot" a little, especially that early in the pregnancy. If you continue to bleed in amounts similar to your normal menses it could be indicative of a miscarriage. Consult your OBGYN MD or midwife.