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No, Birth Control is exactly the same if you've already had sex or not.

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Q: Is birth control different for non virgins?
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Are non-virgins allowed to be a nun?

Yes, non-virgins can become nuns. However, once a nun they must remain celibate.

What is the difference between virgin and non virgin guys?

people who have never "made love" are called virgins. non virgins have never made love

What happens if you miss the iron tablets on a birth control pack?

There is no increased risk of pregnancy if you miss the non-active birth control pills.

How do non married people get pregnant?

Just like married people -- they have sex without using birth control or their birth control fails.

In what order do you take birth control pills and which color do you take first?

Hello - You start taking birth control pills on the last day of your period. You will have seven pills which are a different colour from the other pills. The seven different coloured pills are the "non- active or sugar pills" which you start taking after you have finished taking the active pills. The active pills are the 28+ different coloured pills from the non active ones.

If I take my non birth control a week early will my birth contorl not work?

Because you took your non active pills instead of the active pills this has basically interfered with birth control protecting you against pregnancy and has also messed up your cycle. You must ALWAYS take birth control as prescribed. You need to use a condom for the next 4 weeks to prevent pregnancy and take your birth control as normal.

Is it easy to get pregnant in the second month of using birth control on non-oral contraceptives?

It's never easy to get pregnant using effective birth control.

Is everyone on the Virgin Islands a virgin?

If someone populates the virgin islands, it means the islands are no more virgins, which means it has no relevance if the person is virgin or not but considering that more people are non-virgins or definetly-not-virgins the persons on the virgin islands won't probably be virgins.

Which form of birth control could people use without altering hormonal systems or blocking sperm from fertilizing egg?

A condom would be a non-hormonal barrier birth control method.

Which type of birth control is better to take after a pulmonary embolism?

A non-estrogen hormonal method or a non-hormonal method is best after PE.

Can you tell if boys are virgins or not by the way they behave?

Ok, anyways, I guess guys that are virgins or non-virgins both act the same... If they have a girlfriend, maybe they would treat them differently after they've... "done it" with her. But seriously, it's wrong to have sex outside of marriage.

Is the IUD artificial?

The IUD is an artificial method of birth control. Some IUDs are hormonal, and others are non-hormonal.