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No it can not. There is no such thing as "gay illness" and a person cannot become gay or lesbian; they are either born gay or they aren't.

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Q: Is broiler chicken and milk can cause lesbianism and gay illness?
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That's to prevent cross-contamination. If you use a cutting board for raw chicken, then use the same cutting board (without appropriate cleaning and sanitizing), the bacteria from the raw chicken can contaminate the cooked chicken and cause illness in those who eat it.

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Salmonella is a group of bacteria that can cause illness in humans. No, not all chicken have salmonella but some do. Therefore, it is important to store, prepare, handle and cook raw chicken as per food safety guidelines.

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green chicken is caused by either in the refrigerator too long or in the freezer and has been taken to heat up/cook then stuck back in the freezer if you eat it that will cause serious illness so throw it out right away

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Chicken is a potentially dangerous food because all chicken naturally carry a disease called salmonella. Unless the chicken is stored correctly in the suitable temperatures, salmonella will thrive on the chicken, making it inedible. This will also happen if the chicken is under cooked, or thawed out and frozen again. Salmonella can cause serious illness, or in some cases, even death.

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An illness that has a psychological cause and does not involve brain damage is Psychosis.

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For plato users the answer is False and no Bacteria cannot cause human illness

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