

Is brown bread helthier then white bread?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Is brown bread helthier then white bread?
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Is mixed grain white bread or brown bread?

Brown .

What does brown bread give you?

There are many advantages of brown bread over white bread. Most importantly, brown bread has the advantage of being healthier than white bread, which is less healthy.

Does white bread get mold faster than brown bread?

yes white bread will get mould faster

What is the history of brown bread?

In Ireland, sometime near 1848, brown bread was handed out to the poor. Prior to that time, brown bread was considered inferior to white bread.

Why does white bread give you a burst of energy?

White bread is full of carbohydrate but also more fat than brown bread, therefore white bread is good for short term effects but brown better for long term.

What are diifferent types of bread?

pitta bread naan bread rye bread seeded bread white bread brown bread

Which bread grows mold faster brown bread or white brad?

Typically brown bread, because generic brand white bread has hundreds of preservatives and harder white breads such as ciabatta just dry out and don't usually grow mold.

Does white bread digest faster than brown bread?

nobody cares

Which is the healthiest bread white bread semolina bread wheat bread?

brown bread because it has many nutrisus thngs nside it

Which deacys first brown bread or white bread?

the one with the higher fat content

How is earth like a loaf bread?

because a loaf of bread can be different. e.g. brown bread (brown people), white bread (white people), soggy bread (the sea ), hard bread (land). there can be a loaf for every person e.g Nutty bread (for nutty people), chocolate bread ( for sweet people) etc

Why does brown bread absorb energy faster when toasting?

Brown bread has a lower albedo than white bread, so it reflects less and absorbs more heat.