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No, the temperature of food does not determine how fattening it is.

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Q: Is cold food more fattening than hot food?
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Is warm soda more fattening than cold soda?

if you are talking about eating something like spaghetti hot vs. cold, its best either way. you will still get the carbs anyways!

Why is a fast food hamburger more fattening than a homemade hamburger?

It was made by Professer Hahm, who specialized in culinary pleasures.

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Is hot dog more fattening than a quesadilla?

No most quesadilla's have cheese and to much cheese is fattening

Are rutabagas fattening?

No more than any other vegetable.

Are alcoholic beverages fattening?

Yes alcoholic beverages are fattening. Some may have more fat or least fat than others.

Are carbohydrates fattening?

The are if you eat more calories that than you burn off.

Why aren't people on food stamps skinny?

Obesity is more related to the quantity of food that you eat, than the quality. The poor in America tend to eat a lot of fast food. Many types of fattening food are quite affordable.

Is wine more fattening than west coast cooler rose?

i doubt it!

How can I use a food grater to serve more nutritious meals?

Grating food allows for more spreadability of food. For example, if you want cheese on your salad, you would grate it to easily distribute it. This is healthier than eating chunks of cheese. The grated cheese you eat will be less than cheese cubes and therefore the salad will be less fattening.

Is dark chocolate fattening?

It is a bit unhealthy for you but healteaist chocolate. It is not fattening; only milk chocolate & white choclate

What is more fattening porridge with banana or bran flakes with milk?

Porridge got more calories in it but its more nutritious than branflakes