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Q: Is communicative competency in English is the golden key for success in the global arena?
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Why is English a necessary communicative language?

English is considered a necessary communicative language due to its status as a global lingua franca, widely spoken and understood across the world. It is the primary language of international business, diplomacy, science, and technology, making it essential for effective communication in these fields. Additionally, proficiency in English can provide individuals with greater opportunities for education, employment, and cultural exchange on a global scale.

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descrribe rhe key factors associated with achieving success in the global marketplace

What are the reasons why American English has dominated the development of global English?

American English has not dominated global English.

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Waxahachie Global High School's motto is 'At Global High, We Believe In Success!'.

What is two pieces of evidence that English is the global?

global warming?

Is global success club for real?

Yes it is real... I've tried it myself and I owe much of my online success to the teachings of its CEO...

What is the global lingua franca?

English is considered the global lingua franca, as it is the most widely used language for communication in international business, diplomacy, science, and tourism.

What are the ways in strengthening global understanding?

the use of english strengthing global understanding

Spread of English as a worldwide language was a result of?

colonization, global trade, and the rise of the internet and technology. English became a global lingua franca due to the influence of British colonialism, the economic power of English-speaking countries in global trade, and the dominance of English in the digital age.

Why English has become global language?

English has become a global language due to historical factors such as British colonialism and the dominance of the United States in various fields like technology, entertainment, and business. Its widespread usage as a second language and its simplicity and flexibility have also contributed to its global popularity.