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Q: Is drink driving illegal in an emergency?
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Related questions

Is wearing earplugs while driving illegal?

In most places wearing earplugs while driving is illegal because it imparis you ability to hear the approach of emergency vehicles.

When did drink driving first become problematic and when was it that it first became illegal to drink-drive?

Driving while intoxicated became a problem after the first cars were sold.

Is drinking and driving illegal in Mexico?

Yes, it is always illegal to drive while intoxicated, no matter where you are. However, it is rarely illegal to drink and drive unless impaired.

Which companies offer drink driving insurance?

Drinking and driving is illegal everywhere. No insurance company can provide a policy for illegal activities. Drinking and driving is dangerous, not to mention that if a car accident were to happen, insurance would not cover it.

Drinking anything like soda while driving illegal?

No, it is not illegal to drink soda while driving. However, it is generally recommended to avoid distractions while driving, so it is best to minimize any potential distractions, including eating or drinking.

Can you drink and drive a boat?

No, in the USA as far as I know it would be the same as drinking and driving an automobile or bicycle. ILLEGAL!

Is it illegal to be drinking in a car if you are not driving?

In England and Wales, it is illegal to have an open bottle of alcohol in a car in motion, let along anyone drinking it. In the U.S. it can be illegal to drink in a motor vehicle that is not in motion.

What would happen if a 14 year old boy got caught drink driving?

A lot. The driving is illegal, and the drinking is illegal, and so if the combination of the two. So there would be massive dirt going down with the cops. And your mum.

Should the drink-drive limit be zero?

Alcohol is in many different types of drink and there are even traces in water, so should it be illegal to ban water and driving?

Can a passenger drink in a car in Nevada?

No, if referring to alcohol, a passenger in Nevada cannot drink in a car. It is illegal to drink any type of alcohol while in a vehicle.

Is it illegal to refuse emergency service to someone without healthcare?

It is illegal to refuse emergency medical service, even if the person is an illegal immigrant

What does the British word drink driving mean in American?

Drink Driving = Drunk Driving