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Usually when a person is habitually eating paper it is a strong sign of iron deficiency, as well as other basic vitamen needs, such as B12 and B14. This problem can be solved by taking +iron vitamens. You should see results in three to four weeks; in a month paper-eating habbits should vanish completely.

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Q: Is eating paper a sign of iron deficiency?
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What can iron deficiency be a sign of?

Iron deficiency can be a sign of a more serious problem, such as internal bleeding so it is important to get a thorough evaluation from a physician.

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Nothing will happen to someone eating ice except urinating alot. However, eating ice is a sign of an iron deficiency.

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No, but eating non-food items can be bad for your health and digestive system and a sign of an eating disorder known as pica.

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Eating excessive amounts of ice is a common sign of anemia. See a hematologist to have your iron levels checked.

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Eating non-food items is called Pica. It can be a symptom of iron deficiency, typically iron deficiency anemia, or it may be a symptom of a mental health disorder. If you are eating harmful items, you should be seen and evaluated by a physician. That can be a sign of a nutritional deficiency. See a doctor and take a multivitamin in the meantime. You are so right, it can also be an indication of cancer. I just read in a journal that craving unuasl things such as laundry starch, etc, and also the desire to chew ice, can be signs of the deficiency you talk about, but the underlying cause of that or the anemia can be cancer. That someone going to their Dr. with this, needs to make sure their Dr. finds the root cause, to rule out the chance of colon, and other types of cancer.

Craving for ice?

My wife used to eat all the ice after finishing a glass of tea or soda. Then she was diagnosed with severe anemia. After taking iron supplements, she stopped eating ice. We never made the connection until several years later when we heard that a craving for ice was a symptom of an iron deficiency.

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No, it can be a sign of a nutritional deficiency.

Is it normal to have dark brown blood when your on your menstrual cycle?

Yes. At the beginning or the end of the cycle. If it's brown for the entire time, you may have a vitamin deficiency (iron). Check with a doctor. It could be a sign of something else.

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Eating grass is a sign of an upset stomach.

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If hes eating his own feces than its most likely just an odd behaivior. If he is eating other dogs fecal matter it may be a sign of vitamin deficiency. It can also be a sign of something like a tape worm or other parasite that is leeching vitamins and minerals from his system.