

Is eating too many sunflower seeds bad?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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16y ago

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yes, because they can get you sick. yes, because they can get you sick.

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Q: Is eating too many sunflower seeds bad?
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stop eating the shell

Can you get sick after eating expierd sunflower seeds?

yes . because anything expired is bad .

Are sunflower seeds bad for your health?

no they are good for you

Can a guinea pig eat sunflower seeds?

yes they can.... my guinea pigs food comes with sunflower seeds in all the kibble... so YES!

How can eating too many sunflower seeds be bad for you?

There is no specific amount of sunflowers that is too much. Different individuals will have different dietary requirements, as well as differing tolerances to the amount of oils in sunflower seeds. What may cause one person no problem at all can cause another gas or intestinal discomfort.

Are sunflower seeds healthy?

Yes! Sunflower seeds provide significant amounts of magnesium, selenium, and vitamin E! Vitamin E can also help prevent cardiovascular diseases and diabetic problems. Like all things, however, eating too much can be bad. Sunflower seeds tend to be really salty, especially processed ones. But, eating the right amount can help you stay healthy and fill your hunger. Hope this helps! :)

Are sunflower seeds bad for ducks?

No but you have to watch where they poop after or you'll grow a mighty garden!

Can you get fat from eating Sunflower seed?

It is possible in theory to eat enough sunflower seeds to get fat, but it is not very likely. You would have to eat a huge quantity of them. It's much easier to get fat by eating ice cream and donuts. mmmmm how much is a huge quantity ? i didn't mean it but i had a bag of seedless sunflowers that is 1600 calories most of them from fat and I am kind of concerned how bad is that?

What has the benefits or its bad effects of eating orange seeds?

Eating orange seeds might be hazardous if one is prone to choking. The seed will not harm the body and may have a good taste.

Should sunflower seeds be swallowed?

Theres not really any problem doing it after i do it my throat feel funny but not really any bad side effects

Are sunflower seed shells bad for a horses digestive system?

Answer from a horse owner for 30 years: The oils from the sunflower seeds are good for horses but when you feed horses the whole shell and the seed it can cause the horse to have compactions from the shells. This will cause the horse to colic and possibly die. The shells can also cause small cuts and tears in the stomach and intestinal walls. Instead feed the horses sunflower seeds with out the shells, or give them a couple table spoons of sunflower oil in their grain. Like anything, ask your Veterinarian. Happy Trails, B.Windhom

Is it bad to eat to many flower seeds?

Yes it is