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Yes. Alcohol is a very effective disinfectant. All forms of alcohol are chemical "cousins", so-to-speak, and share certain atributes. Alcohols have many uses, depending on the strength, and other chemical atributes particular to each type.

Alcohol (in general) is:

A poison

A disinfectant

A solvent

An anti-freeze agent

And many more uses!

Potable alcohols are the weakest of the alcohols. These are liquors that you can drink, without dying. However, drinking extreme amounts results in fatal alcohol poisoning.

Rubbing alcohols are stronger. These are Isopropyl & Ethyl alcohols that you can buy in drug stores, and are most commonly used for disinfecting. If you drink them you will get very sick or can even die. They are meant to be used topically, on your skin & do not affect latex.

Industrial alcohols are even stronger. These are things like paint thinner (mineral spirits) & M-E-K ("Methyl-Ethyl-Keytone" an industial solvent, even stronger than paint thinner). Drinking these will kill you. Getting these on your skin can cause chemical burns. They will dissolve latex gloves & special chemical resistant gloves must be used when working with them.

There are many different types of alcohols these are just a few.

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Q: Is ethyl alcohol effective in killing bacteria and other microorganism in laboratory?
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There are alcohol free hand sanitizers that are effective in killing germs and bacteria. For example, So popular, which kills 99.9% of germs, can be purchased at a place like Wal-Mart.

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Alcohol is not a microorganism but it is produced by yeast during the fermentation of sugars.

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70% ethanol has been found to be most effective in killing microbes. Higher or lower concentrations are not so effective in killing them. But drinking and hoping that the alcohol will kill the bacteria in urine isn't going to work. It has a long way to go.

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Yes, alcohol swabs sanitizes food just as effectively as washing. Alcohol kills all bacteria and germs that are on surfaces.

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Isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol), the alcohol found in rubbing alcohol, is slightly better at killing bacteria than ethyl alcohol for E. coli and the bacteria in MRSA. Methyl alcohol, or methanol, is the weakest medical alcohol in terms of killing bacteria.

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It does yes, however it is essential to rub the area for at least 10 seconds to kill all the bacteria. A quick wipe with an alcohol wipe isn't effective as an antibacterial. --------------------------------------------------------------- except mould isn't bacteria.......try baking soda

How does 70 isopropanol works on bacteria?

Here is a great website to check out for more description about how alcohols kill bacteria... Basically, the alcohol causes the proteins of the bacteria to denature and coagulate. This is a lethal event. Interestingly, solutions that are mixed with water (ie 60-70% isopropanol or ethanol) are more effective at killing bacteria that 100% alcohol. This is because the water helps the alcohol permeate into the bacteria better where it can do it's killing action...

What microorganism likes to grow in milk?

yes they are in milk. Its in all milk products and alcohol products to.

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as long as the alcohol is a high dosage it should kill all the bacteria

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