

Is fermentation a form of

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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Fermentation is a chemical reaction.

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Q: Is fermentation a form of
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Is fermentation a form of aerobic?

Yes, fermentation may be also aerobic.

What causes a form of alcoholic fermentation?

Yeast has the ability to cause a form of alcoholic fermentation. This is what is used to make the bread dough to rise and it produces ethanol.

What does yeast form during fermentation?

Yeast is a fungus. It forms carbon dioxide and alcohol during fermentation.

Why absence of air conditions are used in fermentation?

In alcoholic fermentation, oxygen will react with the alcohol to form acetic acid.

What do lactic acid fermentation occur in?

The fermentation of milk occurs to form curd, of course lactic acid is released.

What do yeast make during fermentation?

Yeast fermentation is a digestive process that it used to perform growth and reproduction. Fermentation is a form of metabolism by yeast.

What does cellular fermentation form?

lactic acid or alcohol( ethanol)

What product is common to reactions to cellular respiration and fermentation?

Cellular respiration and fermentation both produce ATP - which is a form of energy that cells can use.

What fermentation is the process is when yeast breaks down sugars and produces carbon dioxide and alcohol?

i don't know if i knew i wouldn't come to this website

When During fermentation glucose is incompletely broken down to form?

during glycolysis of the fermentation; remember that glycolysis is the common step for both aerobic and anaerobic respiration

Which type of fermentation causes muscle soreness?

Muscles use aerobic respiration to metabolize the energy they need to function. When they have insufficient oxygen to metabolize all the energy they need, they use anaerobic respiration in the form of fermentation. The Lactic acid which is created as a by product of fermentation builds up in the muscles and causes soreness.

Summarize the process of alcoholic fermentation in yeast?

Anaerobic respiration, namely alcoholic fermentation. This process is very similar to glycolysis, except for the fact that alcoholic fermentation replaces one enzyme with two enzymes that change pyruvic acid into ethanol and carbon dioxide.