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Q: Is fiber a type of complex carbohydrate that is easily digested?
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What complex carbohydrate passes out of the body through the GI tract without being digested?

Glucose, if you're a diabetic with a rectal bleed.

What nutrient is not digested but stimulates intestinal muscle contractions?

The nutrient that is not digested but stimulates intestinal muscle contractions is fiber. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that may be soluble or insoluble.

What is a complex carbohydrate that provides a source of dietary fiber?


Complex carbohydrate that gives plants their hardness and structure?


Why should you eat more fiber?

Fiber is a complex carbohydrate that isn't digested by the body. When you eat foods with lots of fiber in it, it slows down the digestion of other carbohydrates, which makes sure you don't have a sugar rush. As a result, you get more long-lasting energy from food.

What is a complex carbohydrate that provides little energy but is importsnt for digestion?


What do complex carbohydrate consist of repeated units of?

glucose units

What carbohydrate that cannot be digested by human digestive enzymes?

Celulose. Some humans also cannot digest lactose aka someone who is lactose intolerant.

Is fiber a complex carbohydrate?

Most of it is, but some fiber is non-nutritive, but does aid in elimination by providing bulk.

What are complex carbohydrates that aids elimination and may help prevent heart disease and cancer?

Dietary Fiber is the complex carbohydrate that aids elimination and may help prevent heart disease.

Can dietary fiber be absorbed in the small intestine?

No, your body cannot digest fiber. Fiber is a special type of carbohydrate that passes through the human digestive system virtually unchanged, without being broken down into nutrients.

What carbohydrate is also known as dietary fiber?

Yes, fiber is a carbohydrate and is extremely important to your diet. It is what is known as a complex carbohydrate. That is why it is placed on the nutrition label under the carbohydrates. It is essential to eat foods high in fiber and low in sugars (simple carbohydrates). By the way, if you were to search, "is fiber a carbohydrate," you will find many web sights confirming this fact.