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Q: What is a complex carbohydrate that provides a source of dietary fiber?
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What are functions of complex carbohydrates?

1. Starch (Complex Carbohydrate) is broken down by the body into sugars that can be used by the body. 2. Glucose (Complex Carbohydrate) can be broken down to provide a quick source of glucose.

Is oatmeal a complex carbohydrate?

Yes, oatmeal is a complex carbohydrate. It is typically used by athletes of all kinds for a great source of slow burning carbohydrates. However, this applies to oatmeal that is sugar free, being that sugar is a simple carbohydrate, oatmeal with sugar is both a simple and complex carbohydrate. Hope this helps :)

What carbohydrate is indigestible for humans?

Dietary fiber is another kind of complex carbohydrate. Though it does not act as a source of energy for the body it provides many other positive benefits. Fiber is classified by nutritionists as either insoluble fiber or soluble fiber. This is based on whether it dissolves in water. Both insoluble and soluble fibers are incapable of being broken down by the body's digestive enzymes. For this reason, fiber adds no additional calories to your diet and it cannot be converted to glucose.

Does orange contain protein?

An orange is not a significant source of protein nor is it a source of fat. It is rich in fructose, a simple carbohydrate. It provides vitamins and minerals.

What is the function of complex carbohydrates?

1. Starch (Complex Carbohydrate) is broken down by the body into sugars that can be used by the body. 2. Glucose (Complex Carbohydrate) can be broken down to provide a quick source of glucose.

Do sandwiches have carbohydrates in them?

Yes, and generally quite a lot of them too.Bread is made from grains of some type, which are the predominant source of dietary carbohydrate. Sandwiches generally are not considered part of a low carbohydrate diet.

Is carbohydrate good or bad?

A carbohydrate can refer to any food that contains starch in high amounts of the complex carbohydrate starch or the simple carbohydrate sugar. Foods that are considered to be high in these are fruits, sweets, soft drinks, breads, pastas, beans, potatoes, bran, rice, and cereals. While carbohydrates are not necessary for a human's essential nutrition, they do serve as a common energy source for the human body. The Institute of Medicine reccomends that adults get get from 45-65% of dietary energy from carbohydrates. Risks from eating carbohydrates, which exist in almost all foods, include heart disease and obesity.

What is the RDA for carbohydrate for cancer patients?

Carbohydrates are the commonest source of energy in living organisms with glucose being the simplest and most easily absorbable source. Grains contain both complex and simple carbohydrates. Foods containing maximum simple sugars are fruits, sweets and soft drinks. Complex carbohydrates are present mainly in whole grains such as cereals, rice, potatoes, bran, beans, breads and pastas. The most complex carbohydrate is starch present in rice and potatoes.

What is cabohydrate used for in the body?

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. They occur in the form of sugars (simple and complex) and fiber. The sugars are converted into glucose, which provides energy. This energy can be used immediately or is stored for later use. Excess carbohydrate intake will cause the glucose to be stored in the form of fat.

What is source of simple carbohydrate?


What is a source of simple carbohydrate?
