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the chewing in the mouth is part of digesting of food particularly carbohydrates. It is the only part of physical change because the food is only broken down to digestable particles. The rest of digestion (including the small intestines and stomach) are the parts encountering chemical change due to many enzymes and acids participating. The End.

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12y ago

A physical change would mean it only changed forms, so if you were eating a peanut and you chewed on it, and it became a paste, then that's a physical change.

On the other hand if you were to have the peanut in your stomach and it was turned into energy that would be a chemical change since it no longer is a peanut, but fuel.

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14y ago

Digestion of food is a physical property

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Q: Is food digesting in your mouth a chemical or physical change?
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Is Digesting food Physical Property Or Chemical Property Or Physical Change Chemical Change?

im not 100% sure but i believe its a chemical change mostly because a chemical change is when the molocules themselves change to create something else and physical is when the molocules only rearange themselves they don't change at all. seeing as how when you digest you do change whatever you have eaten by breaking it down with the acids in your stomach turning it into what comes out next.

Why is digesting a banana a chemical reaction?

Digesting a banana is a chemical reaction because once that it is already in your mouth you cannot reverse it back as a full banana. *(If that made sense!) LOOL ! :D

Is it a chemical or physical change when pop rocks pop in your mouth?

The pop that results is caused by the release of carbon dioxide bubbles that are encapsulated within the candy. This is a physical change, rather than a chemical reaction, because no new products are formed.

How can you tell the difference between a chemical change and physical change in matter?

You can tell a chemical and a physical change apart because a physical change is any change in size, shape, form, or state where identity of the matter stays the same.Example of a physical: If you cut a watermelon into chunks, the watermelon has changed size and shape.If you put one of the chunks into your mouth and bite it you have changed the size and shape again.Chemical change occurs when one type of matter changes with different properties chemical change goes around you everyday.Signs of a chemical change are the formation of a gas.yes because i wrote it!

Is digest a physical change?

Digestion involves both physical and chemical changes. The teeth crush food into smaller particles, which is a physical change, whereas the saliva, stomach, gall bladder, and pancreas contain chemicals that break down food chemically in the mouth, stomach, and small intestines.

Is bitter taste physical or chemical properties?

A bitter taste can be caused by a chemical. Canned air contains a chemical bitterant that can cause this. Also mercury can cause a bitter taste in your mouth.

Is swallowing bread a chemical change?

Any form of digestion is a chemical reaction. It begins when you chew with the saliva in your mouth and continues all the way down to your intestine. Bread, which contains mostly starches, is converted into sugars, which in turn provide your body with energy. This is why runners and other athletes sometimes eat pasta the night before they have an event.

When a person's mouth waters is that a physical change taking place or a chemical change?

When you put food in your mouth, two processes are at work to begin digesting.The first process is chewing. This causes a physicalchange in the food. In short, it changes shape and mixes with saliva.The second process is digestion by saliva. Saliva induces some chemical changes, such as the break down of starches into sugars.

Where does the digesting process start?

your mouth

The digestion of startch begins in the?

Starch digestion begins in the mouth. Saliva in the mouth enables chemical digestion to take place before starch enters the stomach.