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No, there are no safe methods of aborting a pregnancy yourself. You run the risk of damaging the fetus without killing it, thus making a rough life on your baby. Or you run the risk of severe harm to yourself or even death.

If you are seriously considering abortion, you should seek advice of a trained professional. You can also visit your local Health Department or Planned Parenthood for more information.

The only "safe" abortion is one done in a medical setting with the appropriate professionals in your company performing the "appropriate" abortion method.

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Q: Is getting kicked in the stomach a safe way to get rid of a baby while pregnant?
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This may be a "red flag" dream that needs your serious attention. Wife abusers frequently kick their pregnant spouses in the stomach. If this image appears in your dream, your own mind may be trying to tell you that you are in an abusive situation and need to get out, NOW. If you are in a relationship with someone who hurts you, you need to pay attention to this dream and get yourself to somewhere safe without delay.

What does it mean when your stomach burns while pregnant?

Heart burn ?

What would happen if you were to be hit in the stomach while pregnant?

It could cause damage to your unborn child. Some women's babies have died due to them (the mother) being hit in the stomach while pregnant.

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Yes. You still breathe normally while pregnant.

When do pregnant woman have to stop sleeping on their stomach?

When it starts getting uncomfortable, probably sometime between 16 and 20 weeks. The best position to sleep while pregnant is on your side, with a pillow between your legs and another under your abdomen.

What happens if you hit your stomach when preagnet?

If you hit your stomach while pregnant it would be bad for the baby. Also the proper way to spell pregnant is 'pregnant.' I am just trying to help. By the way your a great speller though.

Can you get pregnant while am sterilized by ivf?

In Vitro Fertilisation is a method of getting pregnant.

Can your stomach be hard while on your period and possibly be pregnant?

If you would workout more maybe!

Is it safe for you to have your puppy in your stomach while pregnant?

Huh?! No, you should strictly avoid eating puppies.

Is it bad to sleep on your stomach while pregnant?

Only when you are far along but by then it will be uncomfortable to be on your belly anyway.

Could one get pregnant while on period and is ovulation possible after getting pregnant?

Very unlikely.